Chapter 3. Consuming GIS Services
In Chapter 2, Authoring Web Services, we learned about the concept of web services. We glanced at their types and managed to author basic GIS services. It was a slightly theoretical chapter with some definitions that were necessary to equip you with the basics to kick-start this book. In this chapter, we will learn how to consume and interact with the services we authored; after all, what is the use of these services if we don't know how to use them?
The real power of Server will start to surface in this chapter. You will see how your data can be put to good use, and how sharing it can open up a whole new dimension for potential analysis. You will be surprised to see how your data can be used in conjunction with others' data, if published on your intranet or publicly. There are a lot of people with great ideas out there who would love to have access to your data to create useful applications. You can even reach a stage where it is possible to sell your services...