Using the Content Browser to start building the level
Go ahead and open Epic Games Launcher, and pull up the project we started at the end of the last chapter. Unreal Engine 4 was a huge upgrade over the last version of the engine, as it gave users a simple drag-and-drop interface. This was accomplished using two important panes in the interface: the Modes pane and the Content Browser. These portions of the interface allow level designers to drag elements into the level and place them where they need to go. Of these two, we will use the Content Browser the most:

The Content Browser contains all of the game assets we will use
The Content Browser holds all of the objects, sounds, materials, and particles that can be used in your creation. These are sorted into folders that mirror the file structure where your project is stored. Unreal does this to make it easy to move project files around, should the need arise. Navigating the browser is easy. Double-clicking a folder opens that folder, while...