On Monday, the Kubernetes team announced that DigitalOcean, which was available in Early Access, is now accessible as Limited Availability. DigitalOcean simplifies the container deployment process that accompanies plain Kubernetes and offers Kubernetes container hosting services. Incorporating DigitalOcean’s trademark simplicity and ease of use, they aim to reduce the headache involved in setting up, managing and securing Kubernetes clusters. DigitalOcean incidentally are also the people behind Hacktoberfest which runs all of October in partnership with GitHub to promote open source contribution.
The Early Access availability was well received by users who commented on the simplicity of configuring and provisioning a cluster. They appreciated that deploying and running containerized services consumed hardly any time.
Users also brought to light issues and feedback that was utilized to increase reliability and resolve a number of bugs, thus improving user experience in the limited availability of DigitalOcean Kubernetes.
The team also notes that during early access, they had a limited set of free hardware resources for users to deploy to. This restricted the total number of users they could provide access to. In the Limited Availability phase, the team hopes to open up access to anyone who requests it. That being said, the Limited Availability will be a paid product.
Source: DigitalOcen Blog
Users that have already signed up for Early Access, will receive an email shortly with details about how to get started.
To know more about this news, head over to DigitalOcean’s Blog post.
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