Yesterday, the team behind Elastic Stack announced the release of Elastic Stack 7.2.0. The major highlight of this release is the free availability of Elastic SIEM (Security information and event management) as a part of Elastic’s default distribution. The Elastic SIEM app provides interactivity, ad hoc search, responsive drill downs and packages it into an intuitive product experience.
Elastic Stack 7.2.0 also comes with the free availability of the Elastic app search for its users, which was only available as a hosted service up until now. With this release, Elastic has advanced the Kubernetes and container monitoring initiative to include the monitoring of the NATS open source messaging system, CoreDNS, and to support the CRI-O format container logs.
The SIEM app is an interactive UI workspace for security teams to triage events and perform initial investigations. It assigns a Timeline Event Viewer which allows analysts to gather and store evidence of an attack, pin and comment on relevant events, and share their findings all from within Kibana. Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. Elastic SIEM is being introduced as a beta in the 7.2 release of the Elastic Stack.
Image Source: Elastic blog
The Elastic SIEM app enables analysis of host-related and network-related security events as part of alert investigations or interactive threat hunting, including the following:
Elastic SIEM is available on the Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, or for download. Since this a major feature of Elastic Stack, it has got people quite excited.
With the Elastic Stack 7.2.0 version, the Elastic App Search product is going to be freely available for users as a downloadable, self-managed search solution.
Though Elastic App Search has been around for over a decade as a cloud-based solution, users of Elastic will have a greater flexibility to build fluid and engaging search experiences.
As part of this release, the below services will be offered in a downloadable form:
Elastic Stack 7.2.0 is also introducing the Metrics Explorer. It will enable users to quickly visualize the most important infrastructure metrics and interact with them using common tags and chart groupings inside the Infrastructure app. With this feature, users can create a chart and see on the dashboard.
Users are very impressed with the features introduced in Elastic Stack 7.2.0
Visit the Elastic blog for more details.
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