All major changes can be done automatically with the new babel-upgrade tool. babel-upgrade is a new tool that automatically makes upgrade changes: currently with dependencies in package.json and .babelrc config.
Babel 7 now ships with TypeScript support. Babel will now get the benefits of TypeScript like catching typos, error checking, and fast editing experiences. It will enable JavaScript users to take advantage of gradual typing. Install the Typescript plugin as
npm install --save-dev @babel/typescript
The JSX fragment support in Babel 7 allows returning multiple children from a component’s render method. Fragments look like empty JSX tags. They let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.
Babel 7 includes changes to optimize the code as well as accept patches from the v8 team. It is also part of the Web Tooling Benchmark alongside many other great JavaScript tools. There are changes to the loose option of some plugins. Moreover transpiled ES6 classes are annotated with a /*#__PURE__*/ comment that gives a hint to minfiers like Uglify and babel-minify for dead code elimination.
There are a lot of new features in the works: plugin ordering, better validation/errors, speed, re-thinking loose/spec options, caching, using Babel asynchronously, etc. You can check out the roadmap doc for a more detailed version.
These are just a select few updates. The entire changes are available on the Babel blog.
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