This decision of taking a break is speculated among many as a precautionary measure to prevent Torvalds from violating the newly created code of conduct.
Linux’s move from its Code of Conflicts to a new Code of Conduct has not been received well by many of its developers. Some have threatened to pull out their blocks of code important to the project to revolt against the change.
This could have serious consequences because Linux is one of the most important pieces of open source software in the world. If threats are put into action, large parts of the internet would be left vulnerable to exploits. Applications that use Linux would be like an incomplete Jenga stack that could collapse any minute.
Here is a summary of developers views on the Code of Conduct that, according to them, justifies their decision:
On the other side of the argument, here are some potential reasons why the CoC will foster social justice:
Linux includes programmers who are always free to contribute to its open source platform. Contributing good code would help them climb up the ladder and become a ‘maintainer’. The greatest strength of Linux was its flexibility. Developers would contribute to the kernel and be concerned about only a single entity- their code patch. The Linux community would judge the code based on its quality.
However, with the new Code of Conduct, critics say this could make passing judgement on code more challenging, For them, the Code of Conduct is a set of rules that expects everyone to be at equal levels in the community. It could mean that certain patches are accepted for fear of contravening the Code of Conduct. Here is what Caroline Ada Ehmke was forthright in her criticism of this view:
Source: Twitter
Clearly, many of the fears of the Code of Conduct’s critics haven’t yet come to pass. What they’re ultimately worried about is that there could be negative consequences.
Google Developer Ted Ts’o next on the hit list
Earlier this week, activist Sage Sharp, tweeted about Ted Ts'o:
Source: Twitter
This perhaps needs some context - the beginning of this argument dates all the way back to 2011 when Ts’o when was a member of the Linux Foundation's technical advisory board-participated in a discussion on the mailing list for the Australian national Linux conference that year, making comments that were later interpreted by Aurora as rape apologism.
Using Aurora's piece as a fuse, Google employee Matthew Garrett slammed Ts'o on his beliefs. In 2017, yielding to the demands of SJWs, Google threw out James Damore, an engineer who circulated an internal creed about reverse discrimination in hiring practices. The SJW’s are coming for him and the best way to go forward would be to “take a break”, just like Linus did.
As claimed by Caroline, the underlying aim of the CoC was to guide people in behaving in a respectable way and create a positive environment for people irrespective of their race, ethnicity, religion, nationality and political views. However, overlooking this aim, developers are concerned with the loopholes in the CoC.
Gain more insights on this news as well as views from members of the Linux community at itfloss.
Linux drops Code of Conflict and adopts new Code of Conduct
Linus Torvalds is sorry for his ‘hurtful behavior’, is taking ‘a break (from the Linux community) to get help’
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