In this article by Hoc Phan, the author of the book Ionic Cookbook, we will cover tasks related to building and publishing apps, such as:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
In the past, it used to be very cumbersome to build and successfully publish an app. However, there are many documentations and unofficial instructions on the Internet today that can pretty much address any problem you may run into. In addition, Ionic also comes with its own CLI to assist in this process. This article will guide you through the app building and publishing steps at a high level. You will learn how to:
The purpose of this article is to provide ideas on what to look for and some "gotchas". Apple, Google, and Microsoft are constantly updating their platforms and processes so the steps may not look exactly the same over time.
Publishing on App Store could be a frustrating process if you are not well prepared upfront. In this section, you will walk through the steps to properly configure everything in Apple Developer Center, iTunes Connect and local Xcode Project.
You must register for Apple Developer Program in order to access https://developer.apple.com and https://itunesconnect.apple.com because those websites will require an approved account.
In addition, the instructions given next use the latest version of these components:
Here are the instructions:
The important part you need to do correctly here is to go to Identifiers | App IDs because it must match your Bundle Identifier in Xcode.
There are several additional steps to provide information about the app such as screenshots, icons, addresses, and so on. If you just want to test the app, you could just provide some place holder information initially and come back to edit later.
That's it for preparing your Developer and iTunes Connect account.
iTunes Connect has very nice integration with TestFlight to test your app. You can switch on and off this feature. Note that for each publish, you have to change the version number in Xcode so that it won't conflict with existing version in iTunes Connect.
Obviously this section does not cover every bit of details in the publishing process. In general, you just need to make sure your app is tested thoroughly, locally in a physical device (either via USB or TestFlight) before submitting to the App Store.
If for some reason the Archive feature doesn't build, you could manually go to your local Xcode folder to delete that specific temporary archived app to clear cache:
TestFlight is a separate subject by itself. The benefit of TestFlight is that you don't need your app to be approved by Apple in order to install the app on a physical device for testing and development.
You can find out more information about TestFlight here:
Building and publishing an Android app is a little more straightforward than iOS because you just interface with the command line to build the .apk file and upload to Google Play's Developer Console. Ionic Framework documentation also has a great instruction page for this: http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/publishing.html.
The requirement is to have your Google Developer account ready and login to https://play.google.com/apps/publish. Your local environment should also have the right SDK as well as keytool, jarsigner, and zipalign command line for that specific version.
Here are the instructions:
$ ionic build --release android
This section does not cover other Android marketplaces such as Amazon Appstore because each of them has different processes. However, the common idea is that you need to completely build the unsigned version of the apk folder, sign it using existing or new keystore file, and finally zipalign to prepare for upload.
Adobe PhoneGap Build is a very useful product that provides build-as-a-service in the cloud. If you have trouble building the app locally in your computer, you could upload the entire Ionic project to PhoneGap Build and it will build the app for Apple, Android, and Windows Phone automatically.
Go to https://build.phonegap.com and register for a free account. You will be able to build one private app for free. For additional private apps, there is monthly fee associated with the account.
Here are the instructions:
In a nutshell, PhoneGap Build is a convenience way when you are only familiar with one platform during development process but you want your app to be built quickly for other platforms. Under the hood, PhoneGap Build has its own environment to automate the process for each user. However, the user still has to own the responsibility of providing key file for signing the app. PhoneGap Build just helps attach the key to your app.
The common issue people usually face with when using PhoneGap Build is failure to build. You may want to refer to their documentation for troubleshooting:
This article provided you with general information about tasks related to building and publishing apps for Android, for iOS and for cross-platform using PhoneGap, wherein you came to know how to publish an app in various places such as App Store and Google Play.
Further resources on this subject: