Four pillars of presentation
Many people believe that good presentation is all about the oratory skills that the speaker possesses. This is so untrue. Oration is just a small element in the overall presentation framework. There is much more to presentation than the speaking skill itself.
Presenting is a work of art, an art that can be the factor for success or failure. There are five principles that I personally stick to during presentations. The principles are not comprehensive, but they work every single time, be it in an IT environment or not:
Presentation must be about the audience and not the narcissist in you
Connection with your audience is a must for presentations to be effective
Good speaking skills help in presenting, but it is not the alpha and the omega
Slides employed are a guide to remember topics but not a reading list
Preparation is key for any presentation to work
If you break down the end-to-end activity of presentation, you can observe that there are basically four major aspects...