Other benefits of face-to-face communication
I discussed the effectiveness and the personal touch that face-to-face communication brings to the table. There is more to it than meets the eye.
Humans are emotional creatures. If wavelengths match, we tend to be the best of friends, or conflicts arise out of every word uttered, eye contact, tone of voice, and other nonverbal aspects. Conflicts tend to grow on us, as the distance between the other person/people widens. The preferred method to resolve conflicts between the warring factions is to bring them across the table and put out everything that is there hidden in the subconscious. We employ these tactics whenever our subordinates have problems with other employees and vendors. We simply bring them to a meeting room and ask them to open up and then work over the differences. The results are simply amazing, as a number of conflicts are resolved and the effectiveness of our teams is better than ever before. We have tried the same formula over...