15.4 Using XDQL in Stylesheets
XDQL is short for eXtensible Document Query Language and as the name suggests, is a convenient mechanism to fire DQL queries from within XML and process query results through XML. Presentation files (or XSL stylesheets) can immensely benefit from XDQL.
DQL queries (only selects and not any updates!) can be invoked from within a presentation file using Documentum's XDQL interface: com.documentum.xml.xdql.IDfXmlQuery
The set of methods defined in this interface have been implemented by the class DfXmlQuery
The DQL query results are in the form of XML documents and can be parsed/processed by standard XPath language and other language semantics available in XSL stylesheets.
This leverages the industry-standard and widely used processing powers of XML and XSL via a simple-to-use Documentum interface that serves as an XML wrapper for DQL.
From a performance perspective this is quite reasonable, given the fact that DQL queries are fired within the Docbase and results...