What is left for Vue.js?
In this book, we have covered many different topics and learned enough about Vue.js to be able to handle your future tasks or projects. But we have just learned about the core features of the framework, and there are still some advanced topics that you may encounter in the future of your development journey.
These topics are no less important than the ones you have already covered, but they are secondary because they come after the basics have been learned and mastered. In this section, we are not going into the details of each of the topics, but just give a short introduction.
The idea behind this section is to provide you with a basic understanding of many topics that you may have to learn in the future as you progress your career as a Vue.js developer. Some of these topics are quite advanced, while others may just be needed in special use cases.
We are going to break the topics into sections: Miscellaneous, Core, Pinia, and Vue-router features....