Bring. It. On.
Are you ready to continue? Then it's time to slather that wonderful brain of yours with awesome sauce. With Unity UI mastery under your belt, you'll now learn how to build a one-off GUI component that you could end up using in every game you'll ever build. How's that for a cliffhanger ending? Turn that page!
Here is the completed GameScript for Robot Repair:
#pragma strict import System.Collections.Generic; var cols:int = 4; // the number of columns in the card grid var rows:int = 4; // the number of rows in the card grid var totalCards:int = 16; var matchesNeededToWin:int = totalCards * 0.5; // If there are 16cards, the player needs to find 8 matches to clear the board var matchesMade:int = 0; // At the outset, the player has not made any matches var cardW:int = 100; // Each card's width and height is 100 pixels var aCards:List.<Card>; // We'll store all the cards we create in this List var aGrid:Card[,]; // This 2d array will keep track of the shuffled,dealt cards...