Creating the explosive particle system
In this twin-stick shooter game, both the player and enemies are spaceships. Therefore, a suitable particle effect for their destruction would be an explosive fiery ball. To achieve explosions, we can use a particle system. This refers to a special kind of object that features two main parts, namely, a Hose (or Emitter) and Particles. The emitter spawns or generates new particles into the world, and the particles are many small objects or pieces that, once spawned, move and travel along a trajectory. Particle systems are ideal for creating rain, snow, fog, sparkles, or, in our case, explosions!
With that in mind, let's select and customize a particle system for our game.
Selecting the particle system
We can create our own particle systems from scratch using the menu option GameObject | Particle System, or we can use any pre-made particle system included with Unity. In this game, we'll use some of the premade particle systems...