Reasons for Linux and Mac Admins to Learn PowerShell
Scripting in PowerShell is a somewhat different experience from scripting in the traditional Linux and Unix shells. But, it’s not hard, and you might even like it once you get used to it. At any rate, there are some valid reasons why a Linux administrator might like to learn PowerShell. Let’s take a look at some of those reasons.
Working with Mixed Operating System Environments
The first reason is simply one of both convenience and flexibility. A lot of enterprises and organizations run a mixed bag of Linux and Windows servers, and usually run Windows on their workstations. It might be helpful if you could run one common scripting language across your Windows and Linux platforms. And, if you’re a Windows administrator who now needs to learn Linux administration, you might find it easier to do it with PowerShell, which you’ll likely already know. In fact, let me tell you a story about my own reason...