Extending Cargo and tools
Cargo can also be extended to incorporate external tools for enhancing the development experience. It is designed to be as extensible as possible. Developers can create command-line tools and Cargo can invoke them via simple cargo binary-name syntax. In this section, we'll take a look at some of these tools.
Subcommands and Cargo installation
Custom commands for Cargo fall under the subcommand category. These tools are usually binaries from crates.io, GitHub, or a local project directory, and can be installed by using cargo install <binary crate name> or just cargo install when within a local Cargo project. One such example is the cargo-watch tool.
Cargo-watch helps you shorten your fix, compile, run cycle by automatically building your project in the background whenever you make changes to your code. By default, this just runs Rust's type checker (the cargo check command) and does not undergo the code generation phase (which takes time) and shortens...