Applying BDD using Behat and Gherkin
To help us easily understand what BDD is and how it is used, we will try to apply it to example scenarios in a project.
Going back to Chapter 2, Understanding and Organizing the Business Requirements of Our Project, we have created some Jira tickets to help us break down the features that we need to build. Within the Inventory Clerk Solution epic, we have created a user story with the following title:
As an inventory clerk, I want to be able to log in to the system so that I can access the inventory system.
With this user story, we can deduce that we will need a user for the application and that user will need to be able to authenticate themself so that they can access a restricted feature.
So, usually, as software developers, we’ll then go ahead and start building the solution code for that– write code, then check the results from the controller or web page we just created. We won’t be doing that.
With BDD...