The goal – a simple line of business
Anyone who has been working with applications at a certain scale and has to maintain it over years with a team of more than one developer knows the challenges that come with it. Most of the time in projects, we establish a structure and ways of doing things that work for the project and the team that works on it, and often becomes unique for the project. This is fine, but often after a while, one would love to go back and just start rewriting things because of new knowledge and better understanding of how the structure should be. Bifrost brings quite a few things to the table with regards to this, and we will look at how we can get to a project structure that is easier to maintain and establish from day one. All structures are unique to the projects they are on. In small projects, short-lived projects, and unimportant-side projects, your structure doesn't matter that much. In your main project, it does matter and what works at the beginning...