What is BITC?
BITC stands for Burnt-In Timecode. It is also referred to as “burn,” “window burn,” “burn in,” or “burnt in,” depending on who you’re working with. BITC is the SMPTE timecode superimposed on top of a movie, which you can see in Figure 2.1:

Figure 2.1: Movie file with the BITC
The SMPTE timecode is the group of numbers on the clock; the BITC is the numbers superimposed on a movie file. The following figure shows how the SMPTE timecode becomes a BITC:

Figure 2.2: SMPTE timecode and BITC
SMPTE timecode and BITC are synchronization tools used to help sync your movie in Logic Pro, which will allow you to sync your music to the film accurately. We will discuss how to use these tools in Logic Pro from Chapter 4 onward.
Next, we will talk about the academy or universal leader, which is also a tool used for synchronization.
What is the academy leader...