Reviewing correct SMPTE timecodes in individual reels
In this section, we will review correct SMPTE timecodes in individual reels so that you know what they should look like and what you should ask for when working on multiple reels. Knowing this information will prepare you to score your film in Logic Pro more efficiently.
As mentioned previously, a feature film can be sliced into separate cuts or reels. Figure 2.22 shows five different reels with different timecodes:

Figure 2.22: Film reels
We will now examine each individual reel with its BITC timecode, so that you know how to request reels with the correct BITC placement and 2-pop.
Figure 2.23 shows a countdown of Reel 1. The image on the left side shows the movie at the beginning of the reel, starting at TC 00:59:52:00. The image on the right side shows the passing of the 8-second countdown and the first frame where the film begins, at TC 01:00:00:00. Therefore the 2-pop should occur at...