Now, we will read the response from the TaskOutputDictionary variable and log the response that we sent from the Child bot:
- Let's add another Step Action called Check and Log Response.
- Within this Step, add an If condition to check whether the response is Good. Add an If Action with the String Condition, that is, $TaskOutputDictionary{Response}$, equal to Good, as shown in the following screenshot:
- If the response you receive is Good, we can log that the message was sent successfully. Let's add a Log to file Action and provide the File path of the text file where we'd like to log messages for this bot. For the text we wish to log, we can add $System:Machine$ - INFO - Message Successfully sent to $ReceiverName$. We'll also use Append Timestamp and choose to Append to existing log file, as shown in the following screenshot:
- If the response is Bad, we need to add a log entry...