The collision course
The first time I learned about the potential scenario where quantum computers can get through cryptographic techniques that we use today, I was quite astounded. Quantum computing at that point became a major technology paradigm for me, which has the potential to be as big as the PC or the internet.
The possibility of quantum technology putting the internet at risk is one challenge, but the lack of awareness that the common person has about this possibility is a greater issue in my view. We live in a day and age where data and money transactions have become frictionless, invisible, and therefore mindless.
We are also entering the age of machines where 70% of the potential 175 zettabytes of data that will be created by 2030 will be from machines. Self-driving cars, wearables, and home appliances that transmit information are all creating huge volumes of highly sensitive and personal information. It is indeed a scary proposition that most of these...