Geocoding IP addresses
So far we have concentrated on the timestamps of our logfile, so this part of our mission is to convert the IP addresses into a pair of coordinates that we can use for our geo-visualization. We will download and install the hostIP database—a free database that stores the geographic coordinates and the name of the city this IP address is coming from. The hostIP database is created by volunteers, so while you're there, add your own IP address and city to improve the service. The accuracy we get from this database is on city level, so you shouldn't design a pizza delivery service based on the geo-coordinates you get, but it's more than sufficient for most visualization projects.
We will keep the hostIP database in memory for geocoding our IP addresses and converting the IP addresses we extracted in the previous task.
Engage Thrusters
Let's start to convert the addresses:
To convert the IP addresses, we first need the hostIP database. So, open a browser and go to http://www...