Mission accomplished
Prezi is great for job hunting. If you create a prezumé, you are one step ahead of other job seekers. Creative people especially benefit from using Prezi because it helps them to show their capabilities.
In this project, we just started building a prezi. We started off by answering three most important questions:
What job are you looking for?
What message do you want to tell?
What's your goal?
Then, we started gathering all the information by writing our résumé and collecting the visual material. Because we don't need all the information in our prezumé, we marked the most important stuff.
The next step was getting creative, but luckily you didn't have to invent everything. We can use predefined templates for your prezumé, and we did just that.
The last step was sharing your prezi with the world or with a specific HT manager or job hunter. Good luck with your new job!