- <action> binding / Bindings
- <attributeValues> binding / Bindings
- ABS, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- Action Event, event type / Defining an event publisher
- action events
- about / Adding actions to your page
- action listener binding
- about / Adding actions to your page
- actions
- adding, to page / Adding actions to your page
- activateStateForUndo(String id, int flags) method / Using save points for undo operations
- activation / How the framework allocates an application module for serving a client request
- activation property / General guidelines for building successful task flows
- Active data / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- active data streaming (ADS) mode / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- activity
- marking, as default activity / Marking an activity as the default activity
- marking, as exception handler / Marking an activity as an exception handler
- Add Attribute Rule dialog / Adding a validation rule to an attribute, Adding a validation rule to an entity object
- Add Group button / Building the view criteria
- Add Named Criteria option / Building the view criteria
- ADDRESS_DETAIL object type
- domain type, defining / Building custom data types using domain type
- addViewToPdefApplicationModule() method / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- developing with / Developing with ADF
- navigation model / The navigation model in ADF
- task flows / The navigation model in ADF
- unbounded task flow / The navigation model in ADF
- bounded task flow / The navigation model in ADF
- task flow / The ingredients of an ADF task flow
- task flow, configuration files / Task flow configuration files
- managed bean / ADF managed beans
- managed beans / ADF managed beans
- task flow, activites / Task flow activities
- error handling / Error handling in ADF
- adf-config.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files, ADF Business Components configuration files, adf-config.xml, How the framework allocates an application module for serving a client request
- adf-settings.xml / Analyzing the generated metadata files, adf-settings.xml
- ADF binding APIs
- using, in HttpServlet / Using ADF binding APIs in an HttpServlet
- tuning, tips / Tuning tips for ADF model
- executable bindings, tuning tips for / Tips for tuning executable bindings
- binding layer and business components, data traffic optimization tips / Tips for optimizing data traffic between a binding layer and business components
- count query executions, optimizing tips / Tips for optimizing count query executions
- coding, guidelines / Coding guidelines for ADF binding APIs
- ADF Binding filter / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- ADF Business Components
- about / Why ADF Business Components?
- need for / Why ADF Business Components?
- overview / Overview of ADF Business Components
- features / Oracle ADF Business Components' feature list
- used, for building business services / Building a simple business service
- configuration files / ADF Business Components configuration files
- Java test client for / Java test client for ADF Business Components
- runtime behavior / Understanding the runtime behavior of ADF Business Components
- using, with Java EE components / Using ADF Business Components with Java EE components
- ADF Business Components (ADF BC) / Oracle ADF architecture
- ADF Business Components, configuration files
- bc4j.xcfg file / ADF Business Components configuration files
- adf-config.xml file / ADF Business Components configuration files
- <ModelProjectName>.jpx file / ADF Business Components configuration files
- adfm.xml file / ADF Business Components configuration files
- ADF Business Components Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- ADF business components layer
- validation, defining / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer
- adfc-config.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files, Task flow configuration files, Building an unbounded task flow
- ADFContext
- using, to access client specific scoped variables / Using ADFContext to access client specific scoped variables
- layers, uniformity access / How does ADFContext provide uniform access across layers?
- pitfalls, for using / The pitfalls of using ADFContext
- ADF Controller and task flows
- tuning, tips / Tuning tips for ADF Controller and task flows
- resource usage, optimization tips / Tips for optimizing resource usage in a task flow
- task flow building, general tips / General guidelines for building successful task flows
- managed bean, coding guidelines for / Coding guidelines for managed beans
- ADF Controller save points
- creation / Where are ADF Controller save points created?
- ADF entity object
- about / Entity objects
- Entity object definition XML metadata file / Entity objects
- Entity definition / Entity objects
- Entity object / Entity objects
- Entity collection / Entity objects
- ADF Faces
- about / View layer, Introduction
- tuning, tips / Tuning tips for ADF Faces
- general tips / General tips for ADF Faces pages
- UI components, best practices for / Best practices for ADF Faces UI components
- ADF Faces Components
- URL / Building a simple data bound web page
- ADF Faces demo
- layout basics section, URL / The art of laying out pages
- ADF faces layer
- skipping validation / Skipping validations in the ADF Faces layer
- ADF Faces layout
- components / The art of laying out pages
- ADF Library JAR
- about / Distributing ADF task flow as the ADF library
- task flow, distributing as / Packaging the task flow into the ADF library
- task flows, consuming / Consuming task flows added into an ADF library
- ADFm
- about / Introduction
- adfm.xml file / What have you got in your view controller project source now?, ADF Business Components configuration files, adfm.xml
- ADF Model Java API Reference documentation
- URL / Effective dated entity objects
- ADF model layer
- validation, defining / Defining validations in the ADF model layer
- ADF Model metadata files
- about / Taking a closer look at the ADF Model metadata files
- adfm.xml file / adfm.xml
- DataBindings.cpx file / DataBindings.cpx
- adf-config.xml file / adf-config.xml
- adf-settings.xml / adf-settings.xml
- ADF model project
- initializing / Initializing the ADF model project
- ADF model state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- ADF Model Tester
- used, to test CRUD operations on business data / Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data
- ADF region
- bounded task flow, consuming as / Consuming bounded task flows as ADF regions
- lazy loading / Lazy loading of an ADF region
- refreshing / Refreshing an ADF region
- task flow, refreshing conditionally / Refreshing an ADF region
- ADF Task Flow component / View activity
- ADF Task Flow component palette / Building a bounded task flow
- ADF view layer
- validations, defining / Defining validations in the ADF view layer
- ADF view links / View links
- ADF view object
- View object definition XML metadata file / View objects
- View object definition / View objects
- View object / View objects
- View row / View objects
- about / Introduction
- components / Ingredients of a view object
- row / Ingredients of a view object
- row set / Ingredients of a view object
- row set iterator / Ingredients of a view object
- query collection / Ingredients of a view object
- view link / Ingredients of a view object
- features / Core features of ADF view objects
- developing / Developing view objects
- Create Business Components from Tables option, using / Creating view objects
- creating / Creating view objects
- Create View Object wizard option, using / Creating view objects
- Create View Object wizard, using / Using the Create View Object wizard
- creating, with entity usage mapping / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- creating, with SQL query / Creating a view object with SQL query
- creating, with static list / Creating a view object with static list
- programmatic view object, creating / Creating a programmatic view object
- declarative SQL mode view object, creating / Creating a declarative SQL mode view object
- Java classes, generating / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- properties / Commonly used properties of view objects
- attributes annotating, UI hints used / Annotate attributes using UI hints
- working with / Working with view objects
- list of values (LOV), configuring / Configuring the list of values
- two view object, linking / Linking two view objects
- reverse where clause / Where clause and Reverse Where clause
- where clause / Where clause and Reverse Where clause
- inheritance hierarchies, with non-polymorphic entity usage / Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with non-polymorphic entity usage
- inheritance hierarchies, with polymorphic entity usage / Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with polymorphic entity usage
- used, for querying datasource / Querying the datasource by using a view object
- query mode, specifying / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- WHERE Clause, adding / Adding WHERE clause to a view object
- WHERE Clause, appending at design time / Appending the WHERE clause at design time
- WHERE Clause, appending at runtime / Appending the WHERE clause at runtime
- bind variables, using / Using bind variables
- bind variables, value specifying / Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables
- query, changing at runtime / Changing the query of a view object at runtime
- rows, sorting / Programmatically sorting view object rows
- alternate keys, using / Using alternate keys in a view object
- findByKey(), using / Using findByKey() on view objects
- new rows, creating / Creating new rows through the view object
- executing / What happens when you execute a view object?
- ADF web application
- ADF view (ADF faces) / Adding validation rules in a fusion web application
- ADF model / Adding validation rules in a fusion web application
- ADF business components / Adding validation rules in a fusion web application
- af$decorativeBox component / The art of laying out pages
- af$gridCell component / Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$gridRow component / Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$message / Displaying validation exceptions on a page
- af$messages / Displaying validation exceptions on a page
- af$panelAccordion component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelBorderLayout component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelBox component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelcollection component / Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$panelCollection component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelDashBoard component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelFormLayout component / The art of laying out pages, Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$panelGridLayout component / The art of laying out pages, Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$panelGroupLayout component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelHeader component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelList component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelSplitter component / The art of laying out pages
- af$panelStretchLayout component / The art of laying out pages, Organizing page contents – a case study
- af$panelTabbed component / The art of laying out pages
- af$query component / Programmatically retrieving view criteria used for a query component
- af$separator component / The art of laying out pages
- af$setPropertyListener tag / Ensuring high availability for Fusion web applications
- af$showDetail component / The art of laying out pages
- af$spacer component / The art of laying out pages
- afterCommit() method / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- alternate key
- setting, for entity object / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- advantages / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- alternate keys
- using, in view object / Using alternate keys in a view object
- Always attribute / Updatability of entity attributes
- Always Begin New Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow, Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- Always Use Existing Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow, Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- amDef variable / Java test client for ADF Business Components
- AND operator / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- Ant
- about / Build tool
- URL / Build tool
- Apache MyFaces Trinidad / View layer
- Apache Trinidad / Defining a custom ADF Faces validator
- application events
- about / Adding actions to your page
- Application module / Application modules
- application module / Application modules
- building, to facade business service implementation / Building an application module to facade your business service implementation
- about / Application modules, Introduction
- definition XML metadata file / Application modules
- Application module definition / Application modules
- Application module / Application modules
- View object instances / Application modules
- View link instances / Application modules
- Custom business methods / Application modules
- Nested application module / Application modules
- components / Ingredients of an application module
- XML metadata file / Ingredients of an application module
- definition / Ingredients of an application module
- implementation / Ingredients of an application module
- core components / Additional core components
- features / The core features of an application module
- defining / Defining an application module
- creating, steps for / Creating application modules
- Java classes, generating / Optionally generating Java classes for an application module
- hierarchical view object instances, adding / Adding hierarchical view object instances to an application module
- default properties, overriding / Overriding the default properties of an application module
- configuration properties / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- configuration properties, URL / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- JDBC data source name, modifying / Modifying the JDBC data source name for an application module
- properties, overriding for view object instance / Overriding properties for a view object instance
- working with / Working with an application module
- invoking, from Java client / Invoking an application module from a Java client
- shared application module, invoking from Java client / Invoking a shared application module from a Java client
- programmatically releasing / What you may need to know about programmatically releasing an application module?
- instance / What happens when a client creates an application module instance?
- lifecycle / The lifecycle of an application module
- passivation activation / Passivation activation of application modules
- JDBC API, using / Using JDBC APIs in an application module
- configuring programmatically / Programmatically configuring an application module
- accessing, from Java servlet / Invoking an application module from a Java servlet
- life span / Life span of an application module
- allocating, to serve client request / How the framework allocates an application module for serving a client request
- configuration options / More configuration options for an application module
- configuration property / More configuration options for an application module
- removing, from pool / When an application module is removed from the pool
- pool parameters, configuring / Configuring the application module pool parameters – a case study
- tuning, tips / Tuning tips for an application module
- initialization phase, optimization tips / Tips for optimizing an application module initialization
- resource usages, optimization tips / Tips for optimizing resource usages in an application module
- JDBC API, fine-tuning tips / Tips for fine-tuning the JDBC API use
- guidelines, coding / Coding guidelines for application modules
- Application Module Class / Optionally generating Java classes for an application module
- application module data
- sharing / Sharing of application module data
- Application module definition / Application modules
- application module definition / Ingredients of an application module
- Application Module Definition Class / Optionally generating Java classes for an application module
- application module definition XML metadata file / Application modules
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$activate(Session session) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$activateConnectionState(Element parent) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$activateState(Element parent) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$afterActivation(int activationMode) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$afterConnect() method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$applyPersonalization() method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$prepareApplicationModuleSession(Session session) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$prepareForActivation(Element amNode) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- ApplicationModuleImpl$$prepareSession(Session session) method / The lifecycle of an application module
- application module implementation class / Ingredients of an application module, Where do you write custom business logic in a fusion web application?
- application module initialization
- optimizing, tips for / Tips for optimizing an application module initialization
- application module nesting / Nesting application modules
- application module XML metadata file / Ingredients of an application module
- application navigator window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- application pool / Additional core components
- application resource panel window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- application scope / ADF managed beans
- application scoped shared application module / Runtime behaviour of shared application modules
- application source
- setting up, microkernel approach used / Guidelines for setting up the application source using the microkernel approach
- apply request values / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- association accessor row set, retaining / Retaining the association accessor row set
- Association Properties page / Defining entity association, Composition association
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) / Why Oracle ADF?
- attribute binding
- accessing / Accessing the attribute binding
- associated view object, accessing / Accessing the iterator binding and associated view object
- iterator binding, accessing / Accessing the iterator binding and associated view object
- attribute level
- about / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer
- attribute level validation rule / Adding validation
- Attribute Mapping page / Creating a view object with SQL query
- attributes
- annotating, UI hints used / Annotate attributes using UI hints
- attribute settings page / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- Attributes navigation tab / Persistent and transient attributes
- attributes page / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- AttrSetValException
- using / Wrapping exceptions
- AttrValException
- about / Wrapping exceptions
- throwing, programmatically / Programmatically throwing AttrValException
- AutoQuery behavior
- about / What is AutoQuery or ClearRowSet behavior?
- <button> binding / Bindings
- backingBean scope / ADF managed beans
- batch update
- enabling, in entity object / Enabling a batch update in an entity object
- bc4j.xcfg file / What is there in your model project source now?, ADF Business Components configuration files, Ingredients of an application module
- behavior tab, composition association
- properties / Properties of composition association
- Use Database Key Constraints property / Properties of composition association
- Implement Cascade Delete option / Properties of composition association
- Optimize for Database Cascade Delete option / Properties of composition association
- Cascade Update Key Attributes option / Properties of composition association
- Update Top-level History Columns option / Properties of composition association
- Lock Level option / Properties of composition association
- binding container
- accessing / Accessing binding container
- binding editor
- using / Using the binding editor
- binding objects
- life span / The life span of binding objects
- bindings, page definition file
- action binding / Bindings
- method action binding / Bindings
- attribute value binding / Bindings
- boolean value binding / Bindings
- data visualization components binding / Bindings
- list binding / Bindings
- tree binding / Bindings
- table binding / Bindings
- Bindings and Executables tab / Using the binding editor
- bind parameter
- about / Roles and responsibilities of the view object, row set, and query collection
- bind variable
- about / Roles and responsibilities of the view object, row set, and query collection
- oracle.jbo.domain.Array using as, view criteria item used / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a bind variable value for a view criteria item
- Bind Variable page / Creating a view object with SQL query
- bind variables / Ingredients of a view object
- about / Using bind variables
- value, specifying for / Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables
- accessing, programmatically / Architecture of view criteria
- BLOB, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- BLOB data type / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- boolean binding / Bindings
- boolean remove flag / What you may need to know about programmatically releasing an application module?
- bounded task flow
- about / The navigation model in ADF, Introduction
- definition XML file / Task flow configuration files
- properties / The properties of a bounded task flow
- initializer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- finalizer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- save point restore finalizer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- URL invoke property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- url-invoke-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- url-invoke-disallowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- calculated option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- library internal property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- parameters section / The properties of a bounded task flow
- return value feature / The properties of a bounded task flow
- train option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- task flow reentry option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- critical option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- transaction property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- building, steps for / Building a bounded task flow
- activities, working with / Working with bounded task flow activities
- activity, marking as default activity / Marking an activity as the default activity
- activity, marking as exception handler / Marking an activity as an exception handler
- calling, task flow call activity used / Calling a bounded task flow using the task flow call activity
- dynamic task flow calls using / Using dynamic task flow calls
- task flow call activity, properties / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity
- remote task flow calls, using / Using remote task flow calls
- remote task flow, pointers for using / What you may need to know when you use remote task flow
- parameterizing / Parameterizing a bounded task flow
- task flow input parameter, defining / Defining a task flow input parameter
- input parameter values, specifying / Specifying input parameter values for a task flow
- consuming, as ADF regions / Consuming bounded task flows as ADF regions
- train component, using / Using a train component in a bounded task flow
- train component, creating / Creating a train in a bounded task flow
- transaction management / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- life span / The life span of a bounded task flow
- buidTaskflowBindings() method / Dynamically adding multiple regions to a page
- buildDeptEntitySessionDef() method / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- buildDeptViewSessionDef() method / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- buildDynamicDeptViewCompAndAddtoAM() method / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- Build menu / Running the application on a standalone application server
- build tool
- about / Build tool
- business components
- building, dynamically / Building business components dynamically
- personalised / Personalized business components
- web tier values, accessing from / Accessing web tier values from business components
- validation exception, throwing programmatically / Programmatically throwing validation exceptions in business components
- resource bundle definition, accessing / Reading the resource bundle definition from the business component
- error messages, customizing / Customizing default business component error messages, Step 2: Customizing the DCErrorHandlerImpl, Step 3: Registering the CustomErrorHandler
- skipping validation / Skipping validations in the business components
- life span / The life span of ADF Business Components
- business data
- CRUD operations testing, ADF Model Tester used / Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data
- business logic
- custom properties, using / Using custom properties in business logic
- Business logic layer
- about / Business service layer
- business methods
- testing / Testing business methods
- business rules
- about / Adding business rules
- business service layer / Business services layer, Business service layer
- Business Service layer
- about / Business service layer
- multilayered business service implementation / Business service layer
- business service method
- exposing, through data control / Exposing the business service method through data control
- business service methods
- web tier values, passing as parameters / Passing web tier values as parameters to business service methods
- business services
- building, ADF Business Components used / Building a simple business service
- invoking, for data / Binding model data with user interfaces
- calculated option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- Cascade Update Key Attributes option / Properties of composition association
- Cascading (or Dependent) LOV / Defining a cascading list of values
- cascading list of values (LOV)
- defining / Defining a cascading list of values
- enabling, steps for / Defining a cascading list of values
- switching, at runtime / Switching the LOV at runtime
- XML data, writing / Reading and writing XML data
- XML data, reading / Reading and writing XML data
- ChangeEventPolicy property / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- change indicator attribute
- used, for checking data inconsistency / Checking data inconsistency by using the Change Indicator attribute
- child rows
- creating, in composition association / Creating child rows in composition association
- ClearRowSet behavior
- about / What is AutoQuery or ClearRowSet behavior?
- clickToEdit mode / Creating a new row
- Client-side Converters and Validators
- online documentation, URL / Step 3: Configuring and using the validator
- client-side validation
- defining, in JavaScript / Step1: Defining client-side validation in JavaScript
- client bound session map object
- using / Using a client bound session map object
- client specific scoped variables
- accessing, ADFContext used / Using ADFContext to access client specific scoped variables
- CLOB, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- CLOB data type / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- coding, guidelines
- for application modules / Coding guidelines for application modules
- for tuning, tips / Coding guidelines for view objects
- for entity objects / Coding guidelines for entity objects
- for managed bean / Coding guidelines for managed beans
- commit() call / What happens when you commit a transaction?
- Commit button / Committing changes
- commonly used properties / Overriding the default properties of an application module
- component palette window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- composition association
- properties / Properties of composition association
- behavior tab, properties / Properties of composition association
- Concurrent Version System (CVS)
- about / Setting up the Software Configuration Management tool
- conditional option / Lazy loading of an ADF region
- Configuration$$createRootApplicationModule()
- using, in HttpServlet / Using Configuration::createRootApplicationModule() in HttpServlet
- config variable / Java test client for ADF Business Components
- Connection node / Connecting to the database
- connections.xml file / What happens when you create a database connection?
- connection strategy / Additional core components
- ConnectionStrategy class / What happens when a client creates an application module instance?
- Consumer Parameters section / Subscribing to desired events
- Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) / Data binding layer
- contextual event
- using, for ADF region communication / Using a contextual event for communicating to an ADF region
- model / Contextual event model
- using / Using a contextual event
- event publisher, defining / Defining an event publisher
- event handler method, defining / Defining an event handler method
- desired events, subscribing to / Subscribing to desired events
- propogation at runtime / Contextual event propagation at runtime
- Continuous Integration (CI) process
- about / Build tool
- control flow case
- URL / Parent action
- executing, conditionally / Conditionally executing a control flow case
- wildcard control flow rule / Improving the readability of control flow cases
- controller layer / Controller layer, Controller layer
- core building blocks
- about / Core building blocks
- entity objects / Entity objects
- entity object associations / Associations
- ADF view object / View objects
- ADF view links / View links
- row sets / Row sets
- query collection / Query collections
- application module / Application modules
- Service Data Object (SDO) components / Services and service data objects
- create() method / Coding guidelines for entity objects
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operation
- about / Oracle ADF Model Tester
- Create as Bounded Task Flow checkbox / Building an unbounded task flow
- Create as Bounded Task Flow option / Building a bounded task flow
- Create Attribute Binding dialog window / Declaratively reading the attribute value from the currently selected row
- Create Business Components from Tables option / Creating view objects
- Create Business Components from the Tables option
- used, for creating entity object / Creating entity objects
- Created By attribute / Tracking change history
- createDeptRow operation / Creating a new row
- Created On attribute / Tracking change history
- createEmployee() method / Programmatically creating an entity instance
- Create Entity Object wizard option
- used, for creating entity object / Creating entity objects
- createInsertAction() method / Creating a new row
- CreateInsert operation / Creating a new row
- Create List of Values dialog window / Configuring the list of values
- create method
- implementing, in application module / Implementing create and delete methods in the application module
- createRootApplicationModule() method / Invoking an application module from a Java client
- createSavePoint() method / Using save points in a task flow
- Create Task Flow dialog window / Building an unbounded task flow, Building a bounded task flow
- createViewLinkAccessorRS() method / The query collection cache and view accessor row set
- Create View Object wizard option
- about / Creating view objects
- using / Using the Create View Object wizard
- Create with Page Fragments option / Building a bounded task flow
- critical option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- CRUD operations
- testing on business data, ADF Model Tester used / Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data
- Currency Change Event, event type / Defining an event publisher
- Custom ADF faces validator / Defining a custom ADF Faces validator
- Custom business methods / Application modules
- custom data
- programmatic activation / Programmatic passivation and activation of custom data
- programmatic passivation / Programmatic passivation and activation of custom data
- custom domain objects
- defining / Validations using custom domain objects
- custom message bundle, registering / Creating and registering custom message bundles
- custom domain types, using on UI / What you may need to know while using custom domain types on the UI
- framework validation / When does the framework validate the custom domain object?
- CustomErrorHandler
- implementation / How does the CustomErrorHandler implementation work?
- CustomExceptionHandler class / Building a custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- building / Building a custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- CustomMessageBundle class / How does the CustomErrorHandler implementation work?
- custom phase listeners
- adding / Adding custom phase listeners
- custom properties
- using, in business logic / Using custom properties in business logic
- about / Specifying custom properties
- custom view criteria adapter
- using / Using a custom view criteria adapter
- cwallet.sso file / What happens when you create a database connection?
- cyclic dependency
- between modules, avoiding / How to avoid cyclic dependency between modules
- data
- binding, with UI components / Binding model data with user interfaces
- Data access layer
- about / Business service layer
- database connection
- creating, steps for / Creating a database connection
- database mode, view criteria / Architecture of view criteria
- database object type
- selecting / Choosing the database object type
- tables option / Choosing the database object type
- views option / Choosing the database object type
- synonym / Choosing the database object type
- materialized view / Choosing the database object type
- database read operations
- optimizing, tips / Tips for optimizing database read operations
- data binding / Model layer
- data binding layer / Data binding layer
- DataBindings.cpx file / What have you got in your view controller project source now?, DataBindings.cpx
- data bound master-detail UI
- master-detail data model, building / Building a master-detail data model
- master-detail UI, building / Building a master-detail UI
- master-detail UI, at runtime / What happens at runtime in the master-detail UI?
- data bound multi select list
- building / Building a data bound multi select list
- selected rows, accessing programmatically / Programmatically accessing selected rows
- data bound query search forms
- building / Building data bound query search forms
- view criteria, building / Building the view criteria
- UI hints, using to control display / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- search UI, building / Building a search UI
- view criteria, dropping as query component on page / What happens when you drop a view criteria as a query component on a page?
- search region binding, properties / Commonly used properties of the search region binding
- criteria item values initializing, web tier values used / Initializing criteria item values using web tier values
- query component, display controlling / Programmatically controlling the display of a query component
- view criteria used for query component, retrieving programmatically / Programmatically retrieving view criteria used for a query component
- query component, resetting programmatically / Programmatically resetting a query component
- tree table, searching on / Search on a tree table
- tree table search, at runtime / What happens at runtime in a tree table search?
- data bound table UI
- building / Building data bound table UIs
- data collection, dropping as table on page? / What happens when you drop a data collection as a table on a page?
- attributes of iterator bindings, commonly used / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- at runtime / What happens at runtime in a data bound table?
- edit functionalities, adding for table / Adding edit functionalities for a table
- data bound table UI, edit functionalities
- adding, for table / Adding edit functionalities for a table
- new row, creating / Creating a new row
- row, deleting / Deleting a row
- changes, committing / Committing changes
- selected row, accessing from table / Programmatically accessing a selected row from a table
- attribute binding, defining / Declaratively reading the attribute value from the currently selected row
- data bound tree table UI
- building / Building a data bound tree table UI
- hierarchical view objects, building / Building hierarchical view objects
- tree table UI, creating / Creating a tree table UI
- data bound tree table UI, edit functionalities
- adding / Adding edit functionalities for a tree table
- parent view object, configuring to retain view link accessor row set / Configuring the parent view object to retain the view link accessor row set
- utility methods, creating for reading RowIterator / Creating utility methods for reading RowIterator and selected RowKey for the selected node
- create method, implementing in application module / Implementing create and delete methods in the application module
- delete method, implementing in application module / Implementing create and delete methods in the application module
- new row, creating / Creating a new row
- row, deleting / Deleting a row
- tree hierarchy, refreshing programmatically / Programmatically refreshing the tree hierarchy
- data collection
- dropping, as table on page / What happens when you drop a data collection as a table on a page?
- data control / Model layer
- about / Binding model data with user interfaces
- data control method
- and managed bean method, selecting between as event handlers / Choosing between the managed bean method and the data control method as event handlers
- using, as event handlers / Using data control methods as event handlers
- data control panel / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- Data Controls panel / Creating a new row, Building a master-detail UI, Using data control operation in method call activity
- data type
- techniques / Advanced data type techniques
- custom data types building, domain used / Building custom data types using domain type
- BLOB data type / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- CLOB data type / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- BLOB, support for alternate databases / BLOB and CLOB support for alternate databases
- CLOB, support for alternate databases / BLOB and CLOB support for alternate databases
- data visualization components binding / Bindings
- DATE, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- dated entity object
- about / Effective dated entity objects
- dated view object / Effective dated view objects
- DBTransaction object / What happens when you commit a transaction?, Committing changes
- DCBindingContainerValueChangeEvent object / Subscribing to desired events
- DCErrorHandlerImpl
- about / Taking a closer look at DCErrorHandlerImpl
- declarative data binding
- about / Binding model data with user interfaces
- declarative SQL mode view object
- creating / Creating a declarative SQL mode view object
- defining, approaches for / Creating a declarative SQL mode view object
- pointers / Creating a declarative SQL mode view object
- DECODE, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- default activity
- activity, marking as / Marking an activity as the default activity
- Default Task Flow ID property / Building a bounded task flow
- deferred option / Lazy loading of an ADF region
- delete method
- implementing, in application module / Implementing create and delete methods in the application module
- DepartmentName attribute / Defining an event publisher
- departmentsPageDef.xml file / What have you got in your view controller project source now?
- DEPARTMENTS table / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- DepartmentVO xml file / What is there in your model project source now?
- dependency attributes
- specifying / Specifying dependency attributes
- Deploy option / Running the application on a standalone application server
- DeptBean class / Defining validations in the ADF view layer
- depthCount parameter / Reading and writing XML data
- design, guidelines
- for entity objects / Design guidelines for entity objects
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up the development environment
- tool, setting up / Picking up the tool for development
- display width / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- doDML() method / Entity object in a transaction post cycle, What happens when the transaction is committed?
- domain type
- defining, for ADDRESS_DETAIL object type / Building custom data types using domain type
- dynamic entity objects
- building / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- Dynamic Tabs UI Shell Template (UI Shell) page / Lazy loading of an ADF region
- dynamic task flow calls
- using / Using dynamic task flow calls
- <executables> section / Executables
- Edit Action Binding dialog window / Using data control methods as event handlers
- Edit Client Interface window / Exposing the business service method through data control
- editingMode property / Creating a new row
- Edit Property window / Using managed bean methods as event handlers
- Edit Tree Binding editor / Creating a tree table UI
- EJB Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- EL Expression Builder wizard / Using data control methods as event handlers
- EL Picker button / Synchronizing UIs using the target data source
- empDisplaySwitch router activity / Router activity
- end transaction property / Task flow return activity
- Enterprise Archive (EAR) / Running the application on a standalone application server
- Enterprise Archive (EAR) file / Guidelines for setting up the application source using the microkernel approach
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
- about / Introduction to Oracle ADF
- entity-based view object
- about / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- entity association
- defining / Defining entity association
- One to One entity instance / Defining entity association
- One to Many entity instance / Defining entity association
- Many to One entity instance / Defining entity association
- Many to many entity instance / Defining entity association
- entity attribute
- properties / Commonly used properties of an entity attribute
- names / Attribute names in an entity object
- types, in entity object / Attribute types in an entity object
- types / Attribute types in an entity object
- resource bundle, accessing from entity object class / Accessing the resource bundle from the entity object class
- property set / Property set
- transient attribute / Persistent and transient attributes
- default value, specifying / Specifying a default value for an entity attribute
- dated entity object / Effective dated entity objects
- primary key, defining / Defining the primary key
- inheritance hierarchies, in entity objects / Inheritance hierarchies in entity objects
- updatability / Updatability of entity attributes
- refreshing, on posting changes to database / Refreshing attributes on posting changes to the database
- marking, as mandatory / Marking an attribute as mandatory
- data inconsistency checking, change indicator attribute used / Checking data inconsistency by using the Change Indicator attribute
- queriable attributes / Queriable attributes
- Track Change History option / Tracking change history
- UI hints, configuring for attribute / Configuring UI hints for an attribute
- dependency attributes, specifying / Specifying dependency attributes
- entity cache
- clearing, at specific points in application lifecycle / What if you want to clear an entity cache at specific points in time?
- Entity collection / Entity objects
- about / Ingredients of an entity object
- entity collection class, Java classes / Generating Java classes for entity components
- EntityDefImpl class / Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects
- entity definition
- about / Ingredients of an entity object
- building, at runtime / Steps for building entity definition at runtime
- Entity definition / Entity objects
- entity definition class, Java classes / Generating Java classes for entity components
- EntityImpl
- Topicnlock() method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- TopicnbeforeCommit(TransactionEvent e) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$afterCommit(TransactionEvent e) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$ create(AttributeList nameValuePair) method / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- EntityImpl$$doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$doSelect(boolean lock) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$initDefaultExpressionAttributes(AttributeList nameValuePair) method / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- EntityImpl$$initDefaults() method / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- EntityImpl$$initialize() method / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- EntityImpl$$postChanges(TransactionEvent e) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$prepareForDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- EntityImpl$$remove() method / What happens when an entity instance is modified or removed?
- EntityImpl$$setAttributeInternal(int index, Object val) method / What happens when an entity instance is modified or removed?
- EntityImpl$$validateEntity() method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- entity implementation class / Where do you write custom business logic in a fusion web application?
- entity instance
- retrieving, in cache / Retrieving all entity instances in the cache
- entity level
- about / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer
- entity level validation rule / Adding validation
- Entity object / Entity objects
- entity object
- building / Building entity objects to persist your business data
- about / Introduction, Ingredients of an entity object
- ingredients / Ingredients of an entity object
- components / Ingredients of an entity object
- Entity object definition XML metadata file / Ingredients of an entity object
- Entity definition / Ingredients of an entity object
- Entity collection / Ingredients of an entity object
- features / Core features of ADF entity objects
- developing / Developing entity objects
- database connection, creating / Creating a database connection
- creating, steps for / Creating entity objects
- creating, Create Business Components from the Tables option used / Creating entity objects
- creating, Create Entity Object wizard option used / Creating entity objects
- database object type, selecting / Choosing the database object type
- Java classes, creating for entity components / Generating Java classes for entity components
- attribute names / Attribute names in an entity object
- attribute, types / Attribute types in an entity object
- inheritance hierarchies, creating / Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects
- properties / Commonly used properties of an entity object
- alternate key, setting / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- alternate key, advantages / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- custom properties, specifying / Specifying custom properties
- entity association, defining / Defining entity association
- composition association / Composition association
- composition association, properties / Properties of composition association
- association accessor row set, retaining / Retaining the association accessor row set
- validation, adding / Adding validation
- validation rule, adding to attribute / Adding a validation rule to an attribute
- validation rule, adding / Adding a validation rule to an entity object
- transaction level validation / Transaction level validation
- custom validation rule, defining / Defining a custom validation rule
- access and locking mode / Concurrent access and locking
- Locking Mode, configuring for ADf application / Configuring Locking Mode for an ADF application
- securing / Securing entity objects
- batch update, enabling / Enabling a batch update in an entity object
- working with / Working with entity objects
- entity instance, creating programmatically / Programmatically creating an entity instance
- in transaction post cycle / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- life span / The life span of entity objects
- design, guidelines / Design guidelines for entity objects
- validating, tips / Tips for validating entity objects
- tuning, general tips / General tips for tuning entity objects
- coding, guidelines / Coding guidelines for entity objects
- entity object associations / Associations
- entity object attributes
- property set, associating with / Associating the property set with the entity object attributes
- entity object class
- resource bundle, accessing from / Accessing the resource bundle from the entity object class
- entity object class, Java classes / Generating Java classes for entity components
- Entity object definition XML metadata file / Entity objects, Ingredients of an entity object
- entity row
- creating / Lifecycle of an entity object
- finding / Lifecycle of an entity object
- updating / Lifecycle of an entity object
- removing / Lifecycle of an entity object
- transaction, committing / Lifecycle of an entity object
- current state, reading / Reading the current state of an entity row
- originally retrieved attribute value, reading / Reading the originally retrieved attribute value
- entity instances in cache, retrieving / Retrieving all entity instances in the cache
- lifecycle callback methods / Lifecycle callback methods of an entity object
- methods, invoking on entity instance / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- entity instance, modification / What happens when an entity instance is modified or removed?
- entity instance, removal / What happens when an entity instance is modified or removed?
- transaction, committed / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- programmatically managed entity objects, building / Building programmatically managed entity objects
- unique ID / How does unique ID sequencing work
- middle tier generated unique keys, using / Using middle tier generated unique keys
- refreshing / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- custom history types, building / Building custom history types
- entity usage mapping
- used, for creating ADF view object / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- ADF view object, using / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- error handling
- in ADF / Error handling in ADF
- event handler method
- defining / Defining an event handler method
- event handlers
- managed bean method and data control method, selecting between / Choosing between the managed bean method and the data control method as event handlers
- managed bean methods, using as / Using managed bean methods as event handlers
- data control methods, using as / Using data control methods as event handlers
- event publisher
- defining / Defining an event publisher
- event subscriber
- defining / Defining an event subscriber
- event type
- Currency Change Event / Defining an event publisher
- Value Change Event / Defining an event publisher
- Action Event / Defining an event publisher
- exception handler
- adding / Adding an exception handler
- customizing / Customizing the default exception handler
-, customizing / Customizing the default exception handler
- custom exception handler, registering / Customizing the default exception handler
- javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler, customizing / Customizing the default exception handler
- custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler, building / Building a custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- activity, marking as / Marking an activity as an exception handler
- ExceptionHandlerWrapper$$handle() method / Building a custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- exception handling
- in binding layer / Error handling in ADF
- in controller layer / Error handling in ADF
- exceptions
- wrapping / Wrapping exceptions
- executables, page definition file
- about / Executables
- iterator / Executables
- method iterator / Executables
- variable iterator / Executables
- invoke action / Executables
- page / Executables
- search region / Executables
- task flow / Executables
- multitask flow / Executables
- executeQuery() / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?, Query execution for a shared view object
- executeQuery() method / How view link consistency works
- executeQueryForCollection() / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- Expression Language (EL) / Configuring UI hints for an attribute, What happens when we drop a data collection on a page?
- expression language (EL) / Annotate attributes using UI hints
- Facelet document type / What document type should you choose while creating a JSF page?
- faces-config.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files, Rule based navigation
- FacesContext object / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- facet / Organizing page contents – a case study
- FetchSize property set / Tips for optimizing data traffic between a binding layer and business components
- FileStorageEO entity object / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- FileStorageVO view object / Working with BLOB and CLOB data types
- finalizer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- final parameter option / Using data control methods as event handlers
- findApplicationModule() method / Accessing a nested application module from the parent
- findApplicationModule(String amName) method / Accessing a nested application module from the parent
- findByKey()
- using, on view object / Using findByKey() on view objects
- findByPKExtended() method / Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects
- findByPrimaryKey() / Defining the primary key, Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- findByPrimaryKey method / Defining the primary key, What happens when the transaction is committed?
- findByViewCriteria() / Architecture of view criteria
- findDepartmentsForDepartmnetNames(..) method / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a NamedWhereClauseParam value
- finishedLoading() method / Resource bundle usage in the application module
- Fusion page lifecycle customization
- URL / Adding custom phase listeners
- fusion web application
- validation rules, adding / Adding validation rules in a fusion web application
- validation / Where to put validation in a Fusion web application
- project structure, setting up / Setting up the project structure for your Fusion web application
- internationalization / Internationalization of Fusion web applications
- time zone, configuring / Configuring the time zone for a Fusion web application
- high availability mode, ensuring / Ensuring high availability for Fusion web applications
- Fusion web application
- comparing, to Java EE web application / Comparing the Fusion web application technology stack to the Java EE web application
- JDeveloper IDE, starting / Starting JDeveloper IDE for the first time
- application template, selecting / Picking up the right application template
- creating, steps for / Picking up the right application template
- metadata files, analyzing / Analyzing the generated metadata files
- database, connecting to / Connecting to the database
- data model, generating / Generating the data model and business services
- business services, generating / Generating the data model and business services
- entity objects, building / Building entity objects to persist your business data
- view objects, building to shape business data / Building view objects to shape your business data
- application module, building / Building an application module to facade your business service implementation
- model project source / What is there in your model project source now?
- user interfaces, building from model / Building user interfaces from the model
- view controller project source / What have you got in your view controller project source now?
- application, running / Deploying and running the application
- application, deploying / Deploying and running the application
- application running, integrated webLogic server used / Running the application using an integrated webLogic server
- application, running on standalone application server / Running the application on a standalone application server
- Fusion Web Application template / Building a simple data bound web page
- fusion web application workspace
- building, steps for / Building a simple data bound web page
- Fusion web page
- accessing, consequences for / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- General navigation tab / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- getAttribute(attrIndex,EntityImpl.ORIGINAL_VERSION) / Reading the originally retrieved attribute value
- getCriteriaItemClause()
- overriding in view, tips for / Tips on overriding getViewCriteriaClause() and getCriteriaItemClause() in the view object implementation
- getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem vci)
- overriding, in view object implementation class / Overriding getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem vci) in the view object implementation class
- getdynamicTaskFlowId() method / Using dynamic task flow calls
- getDynamicTaskFlowId() method / Using dynamic task flow calls
- getEntityState() method / Reading the current state of an entity row
- getGlobalViewAtivityURL() method / URL view activity
- getHistoryContextForAttribute() method / Building custom history types
- getLocalViewActivityURL() method / URL view activity
- getParameterMap() method / Specifying input parameter values for a task flow
- getPostedAttribute(int attribIndex) / Reading the originally retrieved attribute value
- getPostState() method / Reading the current state of an entity row
- getResourceBundleDef() method / Resource bundle usage in the application module, Building a validation exception using message strings from the resource bundle
- getViewCriteriaClause()
- overriding in view, tips for / Tips on overriding getViewCriteriaClause() and getCriteriaItemClause() in the view object implementation
- getViewCriteriaClause(boolean forQuery)
- overriding, in view object implementation class / Overriding getViewCriteriaClause(boolean forQuery) in the view object implementation class
- global row fetch limit
- setting, for view objects / Tips for setting a global row fetch limit for view objects
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Oracle ADF Model Tester
- hasEmployeesForDepartment method / Router activity
- hasNext() / What happens when you execute a view object?
- hierarchical view object instances
- adding / Adding hierarchical view object instances to an application module
- hierarchical view objects
- buidling / Building hierarchical view objects
- high availability mode
- ensuring, for fusion web application / Ensuring high availability for Fusion web applications
- bean data control, participating in session replication / How does a bean data control participate in session replication in high availability mode?
- history types
- custom history types, building / Building custom history types
- creating, steps for / Building custom history types
- HRServiceAppModule.xml file / What is there in your model project source now?
- HttpServlet
- Configuration$$createRootApplicationModule(), using / Using Configuration::createRootApplicationModule() in HttpServlet
- ADF binding APIs, using / Using ADF binding APIs in an HttpServlet
- <invokeAction> section / Executables
- < iterator> section / Executables
- about / Setting up the development environment, Using data control methods as event handlers
- immediate option / Lazy loading of an ADF region
- immediate property / Skipping validations in the ADF Faces layer
- Implement Cascade Delete option / Properties of composition association
- implicit navigation
- about / Implicit navigation
- working / How does implicit navigation work?
- implicit save points
- enabling / Implicit save points
- in-memory filtering
- of row set / In-memory filtering of row sets
- with RowMatch / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- by overriding, rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl / In-memory filtering by overriding rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl
- by overriding rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl / In-memory filtering by overriding rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl
- in-memory mode, view criteria / Architecture of view criteria
- inheritance hierarchies
- in entity objects / Inheritance hierarchies in entity objects
- creating, for entity objects / Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects
- subtype entity objects, defining / Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects
- initDefault() method / Coding guidelines for entity objects
- initDefaultExpressionAttributes() method / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- Initialize Business Components dialog box / Initializing the ADF model project
- initializer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- InitialQueryOverridden property / Commonly used properties of the search region binding
- initSharedQCPoolProperties() / The maximum weight of the query collection pool
- Input Parameters list / Specifying input parameter values for a task flow
- Input Parameters Map / Specifying input parameter values for a task flow
- input parameter values
- specifying, for task flow / Specifying input parameter values for a task flow
- Insert mulitTaskFlow dialog window / Dynamically adding multiple regions to a page
- integrated webLogic server
- used, for running application / Running the application using an integrated webLogic server
- internationalization, fusion web application / Internationalization of Fusion web applications
- invoke application / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- iterator binding
- accessing / Accessing the iterator binding and associated view object
- RangeSize / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- ChangeEventPolicy / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- RowCountThreshold property / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- iterator bindings
- attributes, commonly used / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- initDefaultExpressionAttributes() / What happens when a new entity instance is created?
- Java Archive (JAR) file / Distributing ADF task flow as the ADF library, Guidelines for setting up the application source using the microkernel approach
- JavaBean Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- Java classes
- creating, for entity components / Generating Java classes for entity components
- entity object class / Generating Java classes for entity components
- entity collection class / Generating Java classes for entity components
- entity definition class / Generating Java classes for entity components
- generating optionally, for ADF view object / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- generating, for view object / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- generating, for application module / Optionally generating Java classes for an application module
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- Java EE
- about / Introduction to Oracle ADF
- Java EE components
- ADF Business Components, using with / Using ADF Business Components with Java EE components
- Java EE web application
- and Fusion web application, comparing / Comparing the Fusion web application technology stack to the Java EE web application
- Java Extended For Oracle
- about / Initializing the ADF model project
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) / Binding model data with user interfaces
- Java Persistence API (JPA) / Introduction to Oracle ADF
- Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) / Business service layer
- Java Server Faces (JSF) / Oracle ADF architecture, View layer
- Java test client
- for ADF Business Components / Java test client for ADF Business Components
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) / When an application module is removed from the pool
- javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler
- customizing / Customizing the default exception handler
- javax.faces.validator.Validator interface / Step 2: Defining the validator Java class
- jbo.ampool.initpoolsize property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.ampool.minavailablesize property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.ampool.timetolive property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.doconnectionpooling property / More configuration options for an application module
- jbo.dofailover property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.load.components.lazily property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.max.cursors property / Commonly used application module configuration properties
- jbo.maxpassivationstacksize property / More configuration options for an application module
- jbo.qcpool.maxinactiveage property / Shared query collection cache management
- jbo.qcpool.maxweight property / The maximum weight of the query collection pool
- jbo.qcpool.monitorsleepinterval parameter / The life span of row sets in a shared application module
- jbo.qcpool.monitorsleepinterval property / Shared query collection cache management
- jbo.recyclethreshold property / Commonly used application module configuration properties, More configuration options for an application module
- jbo.txn.disconnect_level property / Commonly used application module configuration properties, More configuration options for an application module
- using, in application module / Using JDBC APIs in an application module
- JDeveloper
- studio edition, URL for downloading / Picking up the tool for development
- JDeveloper IDE
- about / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- application navigator window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- application resource panel window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- data control panel / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- structure window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- visual editor window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- component palette window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- property inspector window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- log window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- starting / Starting JDeveloper IDE for the first time
- database list, URL / Introduction
- JMX Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- JPA / Business service layer
- jps-config.xml file / What happens when you create a database connection?
- JSF apply request values / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- JSF code
- managed bean / What you need to know while using managed beans in JSF code?
- JSF framework
- navigation model / The navigation model in the JSF framework
- JSF invoke application / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- JSF navigation model
- about / The navigation model in the JSF framework
- rule-based navigation / Rule based navigation
- implicit navigation / Implicit navigation
- JSF page
- creating, document type for / What document type should you choose while creating a JSF page?
- JSF process validations / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- JSF render response / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- JSF update model values / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- JSP XML document type / What document type should you choose while creating a JSF page?
- JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
- about / Shared query collection cache management
- <list> binding / Bindings
- library internal property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- LifecycleImpl class / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- life span
- of application module / Life span of an application module
- query collection / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- view object / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- row set / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- entity object / The life span of entity objects
- binding objects / The life span of binding objects
- list control binding
- accessing / Accessing the list control binding
- list of values (LOV) / Oracle ADF Business Components' feature list, Ingredients of a view object
- about / List of values
- configuring / Configuring the list of values
- switching, at runtime / Switching the LOV at runtime
- lock() / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- Lock Container option / Properties of composition association
- locking mode
- configuring, for ADF application / Configuring Locking Mode for an ADF application
- Lock Level option
- about / Properties of composition association
- None / Properties of composition association
- Lock Container option / Properties of composition association
- Lock-Top level Container option / Properties of composition association
- Lock Top-level container option / Properties of composition association
- log window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- LOV definitions
- optimizing, tips / Tips for optimizing LOV definitions
- LRU / The maximum weight of the query collection pool
- <methodAction> binding / Bindings
- <methodIterator> section / Executables
- <model-project-name>.jpx file / What is there in your model project source now?
- <ModelProjectName>.jpx file / ADF Business Components configuration files
- <multiTaskFlow> / Executables
- main (String[] args) method / Java test client for ADF Business Components
- Make option / Build tool
- managed bean
- about / ADF managed beans
- scope / ADF managed beans
- backingBean scope / ADF managed beans
- request scope / ADF managed beans
- view scope / ADF managed beans
- pageFlow scope / ADF managed beans
- session scope / ADF managed beans
- application scope / ADF managed beans
- in JSF code / What you need to know while using managed beans in JSF code?
- using, to return dynamic outcome for navigation component / Using a managed bean to return a dynamic outcome for a navigation component
- managed bean method
- and data control method, selecting between as event handlers / Choosing between the managed bean method and the data control method as event handlers
- using, as event handlers / Using managed bean methods as event handlers
- mandatory parameter option / Using data control methods as event handlers
- Many to Many entity instance / Defining entity association
- Many to One entity instance / Defining entity association
- master-child view object
- building programmatically / Programmatically building a master-child view object
- master-detail data model
- building / Building a master-detail data model
- master-detail UI
- building / Building a master-detail UI
- materialized view, database object type / Choosing the database object type
- Maven
- about / Build tool
- URL / Build tool
- MDS / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- memory scoped variables / What you may need to know when you use remote task flow
- menu model
- building / Building a menu model
- message strings
- from resource bundle, used for building validation exception / Building a validation exception using message strings from the resource bundle
- metadata commit / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- metadata service (MDS) / adf-config.xml
- method action binding
- executing, programmatically / Programmatically executing method action binding
- methodAction binding syntax / Defining an event handler method
- method call activity / When should the client invoke the method that takes web tier values?
- managed bean method, using / Using a managed bean method in method call activity
- data control operation, using / Using data control operation in method call activity
- used, for page initialization / Using method call activity to initialize a page
- task flow, building with / Building a task flow with method call activity
- at runtime / What happens at runtime?
- Method Expression Builder dialog / Using a managed bean method in method call activity
- Method field / Bookmarking view activity
- MOD, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) / Oracle ADF architecture
- model data
- binding, with user interface / Binding model data with user interfaces
- model layer
- about / Model layer
- data control / Model layer
- data binding / Model layer
- model updates
- validating / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- Modified By attribute / Tracking change history
- Modified On attribute / Tracking change history
- modules
- cyclic dependency, avoiding / How to avoid cyclic dependency between modules
- multiple application workspace approach / Multiple application workspaces controlled by a single master application– microkernel approach
- multiple regions
- adding, to page / Dynamically adding multiple regions to a page
- multiple RowValException
- throwing, programmatically / Programmatically throwing multiple RowValException
- multiple view controller
- and model project / Single application workspace comprising of multiple projects – monolithic approach
- navigation model
- JSF navigation model / The navigation model in the JSF framework
- in ADF / The navigation model in ADF
- navigation state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- Nested application module / Application modules
- nesting application module
- about / Nesting application modules
- accessing, from parent / Accessing a nested application module from the parent
- Never attribute / Updatability of entity attributes
- New Connection option / Connecting to the database
- New Deployment Profile option / Running the application on a standalone application server
- New Entity Constraint option / Setting an alternate key for an entity object
- No Controller Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow, Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- non-polymorphic entity usage
- inheritance hierarchies, on view objects / Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with non-polymorphic entity usage
- Non-translatable property / Specifying custom properties
- No save point on task flow entry property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- NOT operator / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- NUMBER, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM) / Oracle ADF Business Components' feature list
- One to Many entity instance / Defining entity association
- One to One entity instance / Defining entity association
- Optimize for Database Cascade Delete option / Properties of composition association
- optional parameter option / Using data control methods as event handlers
- oracle.adf.model.binding.DCErrorHandlerImpl class / Error handling in ADF
- customizing / Customizing the default exception handler
- oracle.jbo.domain.Array
- used, for passing parameters to SQL IN clause, / Passing parameters to a SQL IN clause using oracle.jbo.domain.Array
- using, as NamedWhereClauseParam value / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a NamedWhereClauseParam value
- using, as bind variable for view criteria item / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a bind variable value for a view criteria item
- oracle.jbo.domain.Array parameter type / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a bind variable value for a view criteria item
- oracle.jbo.JboException class / Validation class hierarchy
- oracle.jbo.RowValException exceptions / Programmatically throwing multiple RowValException
- oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl class / Is a view object really a data collection?
- Oracle ADF
- need for / Why Oracle ADF?
- advantages / Why Oracle ADF?
- architecture / Oracle ADF architecture
- Oracle ADF, architecture
- view layer / View layer
- controller layer / Controller layer
- model layer / Model layer
- business service layer / Business services layer
- Oracle ADF Model Tester
- about / Oracle ADF Model Tester
- Oracle ADF Model Tester window / Testing business methods
- Oracle ADF runtime components
- database list, URL / Introduction
- Oracle Database SQL Language Reference documentation
- URL / Choosing the database object type
- Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) / ADF Business Components configuration files
- Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide documentation
- URL / Running the application on a standalone application server
- Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) / What happens when you create a database connection?
- Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) policy provider / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- Oracle Team Productivity Center
- about / Team collaboration
- components / Team collaboration
- Oracle Team Productivity Center, components
- Team Productivity Center client software / Team collaboration
- Team Productivity Center server software / Team collaboration
- Team Productivity Center connectors / Team collaboration
- org.apache.myfaces.t rinidad.validator.ClientValidator interface / Step 2: Defining the validator Java class
- originally retrieved value
- reading / Reading the originally retrieved attribute value
- OR operator / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- outcome property / Task flow return activity, Parent action
- <page> binding / Executables
- < parameters> section / Parameters
- page
- validation exceptions, displaying / Displaying validation exceptions on a page
- page binding elements
- accessing, programmatically / Programmatically accessing page binding elements
- binding container, accessing / Accessing binding container
- page contents
- organizing / Organizing page contents – a case study
- page definition file
- about / Browsing through the page definition file
- < parameters> section / Parameters
- <executables> section / Executables
- bindings section / Bindings
- binding editor, using / Using the binding editor
- pageFlow scope / ADF managed beans
- page initialization
- method call activity, using / Using method call activity to initialize a page
- page layout
- art / The art of laying out pages
- page layout components
- URL / The art of laying out pages
- page lay outing
- art / The art of laying out pages
- page lifecycle
- validation triggered / Where in the page lifecycle does validation occur?
- client-side validation / Client-side validation
- server-side validation / Server-side validation
- Page Templates
- URL / Building a simple data bound web page
- panelGridLayout component / Organizing page contents – a case study
- parameter binding
- accessing, programmatically / Programmatically accessing the parameter binding
- method action binding, executing programmatically / Programmatically executing method action binding
- parameters
- passing, to SQL IN clause, oracle.jbo.domain.Array used / Passing parameters to a SQL IN clause using oracle.jbo.domain.Array
- parameters section / The properties of a bounded task flow
- parent action activity
- about / Parent action
- adding / Parent action
- parent outcome property / Parent action
- root outcome property / Parent action
- outcome property / Parent action
- parent outcome property / Parent action
- parent view object
- configuring, to retain view link accessor row set / Configuring the parent view object to retain the view link accessor row set
- Partial Page Refresh (PPR) / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings, General tips for ADF Faces pages
- participate in row delete property / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- passivation / How the framework allocates an application module for serving a client request
- PDef / Personalized business components
- placeholder data control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- Plain Old Java Object (POJO) class / Binding model data with user interfaces
- polymorphic entity usage
- inheritance hierarchies, on view objects / Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with polymorphic entity usage
- pool parameters
- about / Configuring the application module pool parameters – a case study
- pop up component
- used, for displaying task flow / Displaying task flows using a pop up component
- postChanges() method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- preareForDML() method / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- prepareForDML() method / What happens when the transaction is committed?
- prepare render / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- prepareRowSetForQuery() / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- prepareRowSetForQuery() method / What happens when you execute a view object?, Customizing the query for a view object
- prepareVOForQuery() method / Coding guidelines for view objects
- primary key
- defining / Defining the primary key
- processEmployeesForaDepdt() method / Programmatically throwing validation exceptions
- process validations / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- programmatically managed entity object
- building / Building programmatically managed entity objects
- programmatically managed view objects
- building / Building programmatically managed view objects
- property inspector window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- property set
- about / Property set
- creating, steps for / Creating a property set
- associating, with entity object attributes / Associating the property set with the entity object attributes
- queriable checkbox option / Queriable attributes
- queries
- counting, in view object / Count queries in a view object
- query
- customization logic / Intercepting query generation for view criteria
- custom view criteria adapter, using / Using a custom view criteria adapter
- customizing, at runtime / Customizing the query at runtime
- customizing, for row set / Customizing the query for a row set
- customizing, for view object / Customizing the query for a view object
- query collection / Query collections, Ingredients of a view object
- about / A closer look at query collection
- life span / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- query collection cache
- about / The query collection cache and view accessor row set
- query execution
- optimizing in view object, tips / Tips for optimizing query execution in a view object
- query mode
- specifying, for view object / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- scan database tables mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- scan view rows mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- scan entity cache mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- query page / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping, Creating a view object with SQL query
- RangeSize property / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings, Tips for optimizing data traffic between a binding layer and business components
- readXML() method / Reading and writing XML data
- using, on view object / Reading and writing XML data
- Rebuild option / Build tool
- redirect() method / URL view activity
- redirect dispatching request / Redirect URL
- reentry-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry-not-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry-outcome-dependent / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry property / Task flow return activity
- reference property / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- REFRESH_CONTAINEES flag / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- REFRESH_FORGET_NEW_ROWS flag / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- REFRESH_REMOVE_NEW_ROWS flag / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- REFRESH_UNDO_CHANGES / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- REFRESH_WITH_DB_FORGET_CHANGES / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- REFRESH_WITH_DB_ONLY_IF_UNCHANGED / Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes
- regions
- multiple regions, adding to page / Dynamically adding multiple regions to a page
- remote task flow calls
- using / Using remote task flow calls
- at runtime / What happens at runtime when a remote task flow is called?
- pointers, for using / What you may need to know when you use remote task flow
- rendered mode / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- render response / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- RenderResponse phase / Displaying validation exceptions on a page
- reportException() routine / Taking a closer look at DCErrorHandlerImpl
- request scope / ADF managed beans
- reserved mode / The lifecycle of an application module
- resource bundle
- accessing, from entity object class / Accessing the resource bundle from the entity object class
- usage, in view object / Resource bundle usage in entity objects and view objects
- usage, in entity object / Resource bundle usage in entity objects and view objects
- usage, in application module / Resource bundle usage in the application module
- accessing, from business component / Reading the resource bundle definition from the business component
- message strings, used for building validation exception / Building a validation exception using message strings from the resource bundle
- resource usages
- in application module. optimizing tips / Tips for optimizing resource usages in an application module
- Retain Association Accessor RowSet optionr / Coding guidelines for view objects
- return value
- reading, from task flow / Reading a return value from a task flow
- return value feature / The properties of a bounded task flow
- Rich Internet Application (RIA) / Why Oracle ADF?
- root outcome property / Parent action
- router activity
- about / Router activity
- adding / Router activity
- default outcome / Router activity
- navigation cases / Router activity
- row / Ingredients of a view object
- RowCountThreshold property / Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings
- RowIterator
- reading, by creating utility methods / Creating utility methods for reading RowIterator and selected RowKey for the selected node
- RowMatch class / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- rowQualifie() / In-memory filtering by overriding rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl
- rowQualifies() method / How view link consistency works
- row set / Ingredients of a view object
- about / Roles and responsibilities of the view object, row set, and query collection
- in-memory filtering / In-memory filtering of row sets
- life span / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- life span, in shared application module / The life span of row sets in a shared application module
- row set iterator / Ingredients of a view object
- row sets / Row sets
- RowValException
- about / Wrapping exceptions
- rule-based navigation
- about / Rule based navigation
- Run As Dialog option / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity, What you may need to know when you use remote task flow
- runtime behavior, ADF Business Components / Understanding the runtime behavior of ADF Business Components
- <searchRegion> / Executables
- save point restore activity
- about / Save point restore activity
- ADF Controller save points, creation / Where are ADF Controller save points created?
- using, in task flow / Using save points in a task flow
- user interface state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- navigation state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- ADF model state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- implicit save points, enabling / Implicit save points
- save point restore finalizer property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- save points
- using, for undo operations / Using save points for undo operations
- scan database tables mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- scan entity cache mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- scan view rows mode / Specifying the query mode for a view object
- SCM tool
- setting up / Setting up the Software Configuration Management tool
- Search option / Personalized business components
- search region mode / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- Select Handler dialog window / Subscribing to desired events
- Select Java Options dialog
- view object class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- view row class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- view object definition class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- Service data object (SDO) class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- server-side validation / Server-side validation
- Service data object (SDO) class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- Service Data Object (SDO) components / Services and service data objects
- Service layer
- about / Business service layer
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) / Oracle ADF architecture
- SessionClass property / Additional core components
- SessionCookie object / What happens when a client creates an application module instance?
- session object / Additional core components
- session scope / ADF managed beans
- session scoped shared application module / Runtime behaviour of shared application modules
- setActiveRowKey() method / Creating a new row
- setAssociationConsistent() call / Configuring view link consistency
- setAttribute() / What happens when you commit a transaction?
- setConjunction() method / Architecture of view criteria
- setNamedWhereClauseParam()
- using, on view object / Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables
- setOrderByClause() method / Programmatically sorting view object rows
- setSortBy() method / Programmatically sorting view object rows
- setVariableValue()
- using, on VariableValueManager / Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables
- setWhereClauseParam()
- using, on view object / Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables
- shared application module
- about / Sharing of application module data
- alternative option / An alternative option to define a shared application module
- session scoped shared application module / Runtime behaviour of shared application modules
- application scoped shared application module / Runtime behaviour of shared application modules
- consuming / Consuming a shared application module
- view objects accessing, through view accessor / Accessing view objects defined in a shared application module through a view accessor
- as ADF Library JAR / Accessing view objects defined in a shared application module through a view accessor
- view criteria, associating with / Associating view criteria with shared application module instances
- invoking, from Java client / Invoking a shared application module from a Java client
- row sets, life span / The life span of row sets in a shared application module
- Share Data Control with Calling Task Flow property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- shared view object
- query execution / Query execution for a shared view object
- Show Match All Match Any / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- show operator, display mode / Using UI hints to control the display for a query component
- Show option / Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data
- SIGN, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- simple data bound web page
- building / Building a simple data bound web page
- single application workspace approach
- about / Multiple application workspaces controlled by a single master application– microkernel approach
- single master application workspace
- advantages / Multiple application workspaces controlled by a single master application– microkernel approach
- single monolithic workspace approach
- about / Single application workspace comprising of multiple projects – monolithic approach
- single view controller
- and model project / Single application workspace comprising of multiple projects – monolithic approach
- and multiple model project / Single application workspace comprising of multiple projects – monolithic approach
- skipException(Exception ex) method / Step 2: Customizing the DCErrorHandlerImpl
- skipping validation
- about / Skipping validation
- in ADF faces layer / Skipping validations in the ADF Faces layer
- in business components / Skipping validations in the business components
- SkipValidation property / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer, Skipping validations in the business components
- Skip Validation property value
- false / Skipping validations in the business components
- custom / Skipping validations in the business components
- skipDataControls / Skipping validations in the business components
- true / Skipping validations in the business components
- SQL IN clause
- parameters passing to, oracle.jbo.domain.Array used / Passing parameters to a SQL IN clause using oracle.jbo.domain.Array
- SQL query
- ADF view object, creating with / Creating a view object with SQL query
- SQL SELECT statement / Ingredients of a view object
- standalone application server
- used, for running application / Running the application on a standalone application server
- stateful mode / The lifecycle of an application module
- stateless mode / The lifecycle of an application module
- static list
- ADF view object, creating with / Creating a view object with static list
- structure window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- Subscribe to Contextual event dialog window / Subscribing to desired events
- about / Setting up the Software Configuration Management tool
- synonym, database object type / Choosing the database object type
- <table> binding / Bindings
- < taskFlow> / Executables
- <tree> binding / Bindings
- tables option, database object type / Choosing the database object type
- target data source
- UI, synchronizing as / Synchronizing UIs using the target data source
- at runtime / What happens at runtime in the target data source?
- Target Data Source section / Synchronizing UIs using the target data source
- task flow
- displaing, dynamically / Dynamically displaying the task flow
- refreshing, conditionally / Refreshing an ADF region
- refreshing, when input parameter value changes / Refreshing an ADF region
- displaying, pop up component used / Displaying task flows using a pop up component
- lazy activation, when displayed in pop up / Lazy activation for a task flow when displayed in a pop up
- distributing, as ADF Library JAR / Packaging the task flow into the ADF library
- building, guidelines / General guidelines for building successful task flows
- task flow activity
- about / Task flow activities
- view activity / View activity
- view activity, adding / View activity
- view activity, example / View activity
- view activity, bookmarking / Bookmarking view activity
- URL view activity / URL view activity
- method call activity / Method call activity
- router activity / Router activity
- save point restore activity / Save point restore activity
- save point, using / Using save points in a task flow
- task flow call activity / Task flow call activity
- task flow return activity / Task flow return activity
- parent action activity / Parent action
- task flow call activity / Task flow call activity
- used, for calling bounded task flow / Calling a bounded task flow using the task flow call activity
- properties / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity
- Parameters and Return Values / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity
- before-listener and after-listeners / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity
- Run As Dialog option / Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity
- task flow input parameter
- defining / Defining a task flow input parameter
- task flow reentry option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry-not-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- reentry-outcome-dependent / The properties of a bounded task flow
- task flow return activity
- about / Task flow return activity
- outcome property / Task flow return activity
- reentry property / Task flow return activity
- end transaction property / Task flow return activity
- task flow return value
- defining / Defining the task flow return value
- return value, reading / Reading a return value from a task flow
- task flows
- about / Controller layer
- Team Productivity Center client software / Team collaboration
- Team Productivity Center connectors / Team collaboration
- Team Productivity Center server software / Team collaboration
- TIMESTAMP, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- toString() method / Using a managed bean method in method call activity
- TO_CHAR, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- TO_DATE, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- TO_TIMESTAMP, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- Track Change History option
- Created On attribute / Tracking change history
- Created By attribute / Tracking change history
- Modified On attribute / Tracking change history
- Modified By attribute / Tracking change history
- TrackQueryPerformed property / Commonly used properties of the search region binding
- train component
- using, in bounded task flow / Using a train component in a bounded task flow
- creating, in bounded task flow / Creating a train in a bounded task flow
- display names, setting for train stops / Setting display names for train stops
- display, customizing for train stops / Customizing the display for train stops
- train stops, navigating programmatically between / Programmatically navigating between train stops
- navigating, programmatically between train stops / Programmatically navigating between train stops
- methods executing, while navigation / Executing methods while navigating between train stops
- train option / The properties of a bounded task flow
- transaction handler / Additional core components
- transaction level
- about / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer
- transaction listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- transaction management
- about / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- No Controller Transaction / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- Always Begin New Transaction / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- Always Use Existing Transaction / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- Use Existing Transaction If Possible / Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- at runtime / What happens at runtime?
- programmaticlly managing, for task flow / Programmatically managing transactions for a task flow
- transaction post cycle
- entity object / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- validation listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- transaction post listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- transaction listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- transaction post listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- transaction property
- about / The properties of a bounded task flow
- No Controller Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow
- Always Use Existing Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow
- Use Existing Transaction If Possible / The properties of a bounded task flow
- Always Begin New Transaction / The properties of a bounded task flow
- transactions
- committing / What happens when you commit a transaction?
- transient attribute
- about / Persistent and transient attributes
- transient view object
- about / Using a transient view object
- tree table UI
- creating, steps for / Creating a tree table UI
- data collection, dropping as tree table on page / What happens when you drop a data collection as a tree table on a page?
- decorating / Decorating the tree table UI
- data bound tree table / What happens at runtime in a data bound tree table?
- trinidad-config.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files
- trinidad filter / What happens when you access a Fusion web page?
- tuning, tips
- for application module / Tuning tips for an application module
- for view objects / General tips for tuning view objects
- for entity objects / Tuning tips for entity objects, General tips for tuning entity objects
- TxnValException
- about / Wrapping exceptions
- UI / Oracle ADF architecture
- building, from model / Building user interfaces from the model
- synchronizing, as target data source / Synchronizing UIs using the target data source
- UI hints
- configuring, for attribute / Configuring UI hints for an attribute
- used, for annotating attributes / Annotate attributes using UI hints
- overriding, in view object / Overriding UI hints in a view object
- unbounded task flow
- about / The navigation model in ADF, Building an unbounded task flow
- defining, steps for / Building an unbounded task flow
- managed bean, using to return dynamic outcome for navigation component / Using a managed bean to return a dynamic outcome for a navigation component
- control flow case, executing conditionally / Conditionally executing a control flow case
- wildcard control flow rule / Improving the readability of control flow cases
- undo operations
- save points, using / Using save points for undo operations
- uniform resource locator (URL) / What happens when you create a database connection?
- UNION operator / Architecture of view criteria
- unique ID
- database independent, generating / Generating a database independent unique ID
- sequencing, working / How does unique ID sequencing work
- middle tier generated unique keys, using / Using middle tier generated unique keys
- updatable property / Creating a view object with entity usage mapping
- Update Top-level History Columns option / Properties of composition association
- UPPER, SQL function / In-memory filtering with RowMatch
- url-invoke-allowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- url-invoke-disallowed / The properties of a bounded task flow
- URL invoke property / The properties of a bounded task flow
- URL Service Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- URL view activity
- about / URL view activity
- example / URL view activity
- getGlobalViewAtivityURL() method / URL view activity
- getLocalViewActivityURL() method / URL view activity
- parameters, specifying / Specifying parameters for a URL view activity
- invoking at runtime, from bounded task flow / What happens when runtime invokes a URL view activity from a bounded task flow?
- useBindVarsForViewCriteriaLiterals property / Building the view criteria
- Use Database Key Constraints property / Properties of composition association
- Use Existing Transaction If Possible / The properties of a bounded task flow, Transaction management in a bounded task flow
- user interface
- about / Introduction
- model data, binding with / Binding model data with user interfaces
- user interface state / What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?
- user session data map
- using / Using a user session data map
- user session data map passivation
- making, safe / Making the user session data map passivation safe
- <variableIterator> section / Executables
- validateDepartmentName() method / Defining validations in the ADF view layer
- validation
- adding / Adding validation
- attribute level validation rule / Adding validation
- entity level validation rule / Adding validation
- rule, adding to attribute / Adding a validation rule to an attribute
- rule, adding to entity object / Adding a validation rule to an entity object
- transaction level validation / Transaction level validation
- custom validation rule, defining / Defining a custom validation rule
- rules, adding in fusion web application / Adding validation rules in a fusion web application
- defining, in ADF view layer / Defining validations in the ADF view layer
- Custom ADF faces validator, defining / Defining a custom ADF Faces validator, Step 2: Defining the validator Java class, Step 3: Configuring and using the validator
- defining, in ADF model layer / Defining validations in the ADF model layer
- defining, in ADF business components layer / Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer
- custom domain objects used / Validations using custom domain objects
- putting, in fusion web application / Where to put validation in a Fusion web application
- client-side validation / Client-side validation
- server-side validation / Server-side validation
- validation class hierarchy
- about / Validation class hierarchy
- validation error messages
- localizing / Localizing validation error messages
- ValidationException / Wrapping exceptions
- validation exception
- throwing programmatically, in business components / Programmatically throwing validation exceptions in business components
- validation error messages, localizing / Localizing validation error messages
- resource bundle usage, in entity object / Resource bundle usage in entity objects and view objects
- resource bundle usage, in view object / Resource bundle usage in entity objects and view objects
- resource bundle usage, in application module / Resource bundle usage in the application module
- throwing programmatically / Programmatically throwing validation exceptions
- building, message strings from resource bundle used / Building a validation exception using message strings from the resource bundle
- wrapping / Wrapping exceptions
- multiple exception, building / Wrapping exceptions
- multiple exception, bundling / Wrapping exceptions
- validation exceptions
- displaying, on page / Displaying validation exceptions on a page
- Validation Execution tab / Transaction level validation
- validation listener list / Entity object in a transaction post cycle
- validator attribute / Defining validations in the ADF view layer
- validator Java class
- defining / Step 2: Defining the validator Java class
- Value Change Event, event type / Defining an event publisher
- ValueChangeEvent method / Skipping validations in the ADF Faces layer
- value change events
- about / Adding actions to your page
- VARCHAR2, database column type / Attribute types in an entity object
- view accessor / Ingredients of a view object
- view accessor row set
- about / The query collection cache and view accessor row set
- view activity
- adding, steps for / View activity
- example / View activity
- bookmarking / Bookmarking view activity
- redirect URL / Redirect URL
- router activity / Router activity
- task flow return activity / Task flow return activity
- view criteria / Ingredients of a view object
- about / View criteria
- architecture / Architecture of view criteria
- database mode / Architecture of view criteria
- in-memory mode / Architecture of view criteria
- removing / Architecture of view criteria
- applying, to view object instance / Declaratively applying view criteria to a view object instance
- tuning, in view object / Tuning view criteria in view objects
- View Criteria Editor window / Programmatically controlling the display of a query component
- view criteria item
- oracle.jbo.domain.Array, using as bind variable / Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a bind variable value for a view criteria item
- ViewCriteria object / Architecture of view criteria
- view definition
- building with entity usage, at runtime / Steps for building a view definition with entity usage at runtime
- view definition class / Ingredients of a view object
- View definition XML file / Ingredients of a view object
- View Employee button / How does implicit navigation work?
- view employees option / Router activity
- view layer / View layer, View layer
- view link / Ingredients of a view object
- view link consistency
- about / View link consistency
- configuring / Configuring view link consistency
- working / How view link consistency works
- View link instances / Application modules
- View Link Properties page / Linking two view objects
- View object / View objects
- view object
- about / Roles and responsibilities of the view object, row set, and query collection
- lifecycle callback methods / Lifecycle callback methods of a view object
- executeQuery(), invoking on view object instance / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- queries, counting / Count queries in a view object
- programmatically managed view objects, building / Building programmatically managed view objects
- query generation, intercepting for view criteria / Intercepting query generation for view criteria
- custom view criteria adapter, using / Using a custom view criteria adapter
- getViewCriteriaClause(boolean forQuery), overriding in view object implementation class / Overriding getViewCriteriaClause(boolean forQuery) in the view object implementation class
- getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem vci), overriding in view object implementation class / Overriding getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem vci) in the view object implementation class
- getViewCriteriaClause(), overriding in view object implementation / Tips on overriding getViewCriteriaClause() and getCriteriaItemClause() in the view object implementation
- getCriteriaItemClause(), overriding in view object implementation / Tips on overriding getViewCriteriaClause() and getCriteriaItemClause() in the view object implementation
- query, customizing at runtime / Customizing the query at runtime
- query, customizing for row set / Customizing the query for a row set
- query, customizing / Customizing the query for a view object
- parameters passing to SQL IN clause, oracle.jbo.domain.Array used / Passing parameters to a SQL IN clause using oracle.jbo.domain.Array
- building / Building dynamic entity objects and view objects
- life span / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- tuning, tips / Tuning tips for view objects
- query execution, optimizing tips / Tips for optimizing query execution in a view object
- database read operations, optimizing tips / Tips for optimizing database read operations
- global row fetch limit, tips for setting / Tips for setting a global row fetch limit for view objects
- view criteria, tuning / Tuning view criteria in view objects
- LOV definitions, optimizing tips / Tips for optimizing LOV definitions
- tuning, general tips / General tips for tuning view objects
- coding, guidelines / Coding guidelines for view objects
- view object class / Ingredients of a view object, Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- View object definition / View objects
- view object definition class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- View object definition XML metadata file / View objects
- ViewObjectImpl$$bindParametersForCollection(QueryCollection qc, Object[] params, PreparedStatement stm) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$buildQuery (int noUserParams, boolean forRowCount) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$createRowFromResultSet(Object iqc, ResultSet resultSet) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$executeQuery() method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$executeQueryForCollection() method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$executeQueryForCollection(Object qc, Object[] params, int noUserParams) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$getCappedQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet, oracle.jbo.Row[] masterRows, long oldCap, long cap) method / Count queries in a view object
- ViewObjectImpl$$getEstimatedRowCount() method / Count queries in a view object
- ViewObjectImpl$$getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) method / Count queries in a view object
- ViewObjectImpl$$getRowCount() method / Count queries in a view object
- ViewObjectImpl$$hasNextForCollection(Object qc) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$prepareRowSetForQuery(ViewRowSetImpl vrs) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$prepareVOForQuery() method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$releaseUserDataForCollection (Object qc, Object data) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl$$setResultSetForCollection(Object qc, ResultSet rs) method / What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?
- ViewObjectImpl class / Is a view object really a data collection?
- view object implementation class / Where do you write custom business logic in a fusion web application?
- view object instance
- properties, overriding / Overriding properties for a view object instance
- view criteria, applying to / Declaratively applying view criteria to a view object instance
- View object instances / Application modules
- view object row cache / What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?
- view objects
- building, to shape business data / Building view objects to shape your business data
- tuning, tips / General tips for tuning view objects
- View row / View objects
- view row class / Optionally generating Java classes for a view object
- view row implementation class / Where do you write custom business logic in a fusion web application?
- view row storage / What happens when you execute a view object?
- view scope / ADF managed beans
- views option, database object type / Choosing the database object type
- visual editor window / Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE
- weak reference / Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module
- web.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files
- weblogic-application.xml file / Analyzing the generated metadata files
- web page
- building / Building a simple data bound web page
- Web Service Data Control / Binding model data with user interfaces
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) / Binding model data with user interfaces
- web tier values
- accessing, from business components / Accessing web tier values from business components
- passing, as parameters to business service methods / Passing web tier values as parameters to business service methods
- passing as parameters to business service layer, channel establishing for / Establishing a channel for passing web tier values to the business service layer
- user session data map, using to store client side passed values / Using the user session data map to store values passed from the client
- user session data map passivation, making safe / Making the user session data map passivation safe
- WHERE Clause
- appending, at design time / Appending the WHERE clause at design time
- appending, at runtime / Appending the WHERE clause at runtime
- While New attribute / Updatability of entity attributes
- wildcard control flow rule
- URL / Parent action
- writeXML() method / Reading and writing XML data
- using, on row object / Reading and writing XML data
- using, on view object / Reading and writing XML data
- XA data source / Using ADF Business Components with Java EE components