Use case – setting up and using the Customer center
As a deeper dive, let’s explore what is involved in setting up the Customer center. NetSuite sells licenses for this UI to businesses who want to let their customers log in to a limited version of the system, and access just the things they create within that context. For customers, that means sales orders, invoices, and payments they’ve made.
Setting this up is simple, once you’ve purchased the licenses from NetSuite. First, we need to create a custom copy of the standard Customer center role. That’s done in the Setup | Users/Roles | Manage Roles screen. When customizing the role, it’s generally a good idea to start simple; don’t make many changes at first. Then, set up a customer with access to use that role/access the center, and test that a bit with your client so that they can see what the experience is like in its default state. They will almost always find things they want...