Day 4 – beliefs and attitude
I believe that we came into this world as miracles, and as equal human beings regardless of race, religion, color, nationality, sex, title, or role. From that point on we have been exposed to family, religion, education, friends, the media, and so on. We have become influenced by many outside sources. We have accepted their messages or we have rejected them. Either way, we have become who we are based on what we have allowed to enter into our subconscious mind.
We have created our own fears, limitations, and beliefs and we have become who we are because of it. It is important to understand that our beliefs determine our attitudes and that our attitudes determine how we feel. How we feel determines our actions and our actions determine the results we get in life.

Your beliefs, based on past experiences and what you have let in from the outside world, determine your attitude. Your attitude will determine how you feel. How you feel determines the actions you take, and the ultimate results that you get in life. The first thing to do is to review your beliefs. You are now an adult and should be able to distinguish between fact and fiction—what do you really believe about you? What is real and what is not? Only you can change your beliefs.
How you see yourself, your self-worth, your self-esteem, and your self-confidence are all part of your attitude. How others see you, or perceive you, can influence your attitude, as it has in the past. That is external influence. If you accept that influence, whether it is positive or negative, you will let it affect you internally.
Most of us go through life accepting too many external comments that lead us to believe that we are not good enough, attractive enough, strong enough, experienced enough, and the list goes on. Until we realize who we really are, we can fall into these traps and stay there.
In our younger years we picked up a lot of baggage. Some of it was good and some of it was not so good. Most of the time, as children, we believed what we were told. Many people received positive reinforcement, while others received negative comments.
Anyone who was overweight, underweight, tall or short, handicapped, or different, knows what I am talking about. The comments that we accepted as truth became part of us and led us to believing in ourselves, or disliking ourselves, as we are.
Go to your notebook and write out the answers to the following questions:
Can you identify the beliefs that are holding you back?
What would be the opposite of those beliefs that you would like to believe?
How can you make this new belief a reality?
How do you want to lead your life—from the outside in, or the inside out?
Attitude is the key success factor and the foundation to your success.
Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 on how you feel about your attitude, 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.
Why did you rate yourself like that?
What must you do to be a 10?
What is attitude? Attitude is your way of thinking or behaving. Your attitude towards people influences your behavior towards them. Your attitude affects your level of satisfaction with your life, and with your job. Your attitude affects everyone who comes into contact with you. Your attitude is reflected in your tone of voice, posture, and facial expressions. Your attitude can affect your health.
It is your attitude that will make the biggest difference in your life—particularly when it comes to what you want to be, do, or have.
Your past and present are a result of your past attitude. However, your present attitude will determine your future. Right now, you are the author of your future.
Attitude is the "advance person" of our true selves. Its roots are inward, based on past experiences, but its fruit is outward. It can be our best friend, or our worst enemy. It is more honest and more consistent than our words. It is a thing that either draws people to us or repels them. It is never content until it is expressed. It is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present, and the prophet of our future. Yet, your attitude is under whose control?
The greatest thing about attitude is that it is not fixed and it is 100 percent under your control. Your attitude is up to you, as is your future!
When you become aware of those external influences and decide to lead from within, you start to take control of your attitude.