We learned a lot in this chapter about enhancing our teaching using some of the more advanced Moodle modules.
Specifically, we covered:
How to convert a test to a Moodle quiz using the quiz activity. We learned how each course has its own question bank, and that including a quiz on our course involves adding questions to the question bank and then adding questions from the question bank into our quiz. That way we can reuse questions easily—and easily share questions with our colleagues.
How to convert role-playing games, quandaries, and scenarios over to Moodle using the lesson activity. Lessons can take some time to set up, so it is often best to use them to support classroom-based teaching.
Allowing students to collaborate online with project work using the wiki activity. We saw how the wiki system makes creating new pages fast and easy. We also learned that you can specify a template: useful if there are forms for students to fill in and you want to provide a guide.
Setting up an...