As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
setting up, from Databricks to DBT Cloud 159-161
Adaptive Query Engine (AQE) 50
alerts 152
analytics layer 9
Apache Spark 48
architecture 48
broadcasting 51
caching 50
components 48, 49
interacting, with Kafka 106, 107
job creation pipeline 51, 52
partitions, shuffling 49
partitions, working with 49
practical exercises 62-65
working environment, setting up 45
atomicity, consistency, isolation, duration (ACID) 4
Autoloader 199
streaming DataFrame, creating 199
Autoloader, ways to detect new files
directory listing mode 200
file notification mode 200
AutoML 124
reference link 124
Avro format 7
AWS account 68
setting up 88, 217
bagging 123
bar charts 140-142
basic client setup
for REST endpoint...