Autoclosing resolved incidents with SMLets and a custom workflow
To automatically close incidents that have been resolved for a number of days is a pretty common request among customers who've been working with Service Manager in production for a while. Even though this can be handled manually, it's much more convenient to automate this process. The thought behind all of this is that when the Analysts change that status of the incident to resolved, the Affected User has a number of days to contact IT before the incident is closed. If the Affected User contacts IT before the incident is closed, the incident gets re-activated, otherwise a new incident has to be opened.
Getting ready
Make sure that SMLets and the Authoring Tool is installed and working properly and that you have read and understood these previous recipes in this chapter:
- Downloading and installing SMLets
- Using SMLets to delete a work item
- Creating a custom workflow in the Authoring Tool - exporting your unsealed management...