About the Contributors
The following individuals also contributed to this book.
Mike Brown (Chapters 5 and 6) is a Senior SDDC Integration Architect in VMware's Integrated Systems Business Unit. He currently focuses on Architecture and Design for the core vSphere, Networking, and NSX components of the VMware Validated Designs.
Mike is a double VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX #71) in Datacenter and Network Virtualization. He also holds many other industry certifications. He has been awarded the VMware vExpert award each year since 2011.
Mike has been working in IT since 1997 where he worked for a small VAR. Since then he has worked both in a customer environment and also as a consultant for a few local companies before joining VMware's Professional Services team in 2012. Since joining VMware, Mike spent two years as a Senior Consultant before moving into the vCloud Suite Technical Marketing Team where he spent another two years before moving into the VMware Validated Design...