Horizon View Pod and Block Architecture
We are going to start by discussing the core concept of a Horizon View design: the Pod and Block Reference Architecture. This provides the underpinnings to all Horizon View deployments.
The Horizon View pod and block architecture provides you with a reference architecture that can support up to 10,000 users. This is achieved by taking a modular approach to the infrastructure deployment by creating separate Horizon View blocks that are designed to support up to 2,000 users each and contain all the infrastructure components required to support and run those 2,000 virtual desktop machines.
The management components are also deployed as a module called the management block, and hosts components such as the Connection Servers and Security Servers.
The blocks then scale up in multiples of 2,000 until you reach the 10,000 limit (five blocks). This configuration of five blocks is called a pod and gives you one large, unified virtual desktop environment to manage...