Keeping control
During an online presentation or collaboration, your guests have the opportunity to explore freely. They can do this by clicking on your avatar and then on explore freely in the speech bubble that appears:

If you're presenting something online, you'll need to keep an eye on who keeps exploring on their own. This might not be a bad thing as they could be looking at details in your presentation, but if you want to keep them focused ask them not to explore on their own just yet. If they ignore you and end up getting lost in the Prezi, just tell them to click on your name and then select the Take a look option. This will bring them all the way back to your location on the canvas.

If you're allowing people to edit your Prezi, then exploring on their own is definitely a good thing. However, there will be times when you'll want everyone to be in one place. Just ask them to click on your name and then use the Take a look option. You can also use this option to follow any guest you...