Taking it with a grain of salt
Any analysis like the one presented in this chapter has a number of things that we need to question. This chapter is no exception.
Related to this project
The main weakness of this project was that it was carried out on far too little data. This cuts in several ways:
We need articles from a number of data sources
We need articles from a wider range of time
We need more density of articles in the time period
For all of these, there are reasons we didn't address the issues in this chapter. However, if you plan to take this further, you'd need to figure out some way around these.
There are several ways to look at the results too. The day we looked at, the results all clustered close to zero. In fact, this stock if relatively stable, so if it always indicated little change, then it would always have a fairly low SSE. Large changes seem to happen occasionally, and the error from not predicting them has a low impact on the SSE.