REST means Representational State Transfer. The REST architecture style was a PhD dissertation by Roy T. Fielding titled Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software. This paper was first published in 2000 after a 6 year study. We can be thankful to Mr. Fielding for the research work and findings.
The modern-day API is modeled around REST, and you will hear people mentioning, it's not RESTful or questioned, is your API RESTful?
To create and model a well-defined API, you need to have sound knowledge of REST. For this reason, we will delve a bit deeper into Roy T. Fielding's study.
Roy T. Fielding set out to fix a few problems that showed their head in 1993. Many authors were publishing their work on the web, and they wanted to collaborate. The web became a great place to share and discuss research work. However, no sooner...