The basics of neural network
Neural Network concepts relies on how the brain works. In simple terms, the brain is composed of large numbers of interconnected neurons working together to solve a specific problem. Neurons, in turn, are inter-connected with dendrites that produce output signals based on the inputs through an axon to another neuron. Neural nets are used to teach or rather a computer learns to perform a task by analyzing some training examples provided, like object or pattern recognition.
Getting ready
You should have completed previous recipes and understood them before completing this recipe.
How to do it...
In this example, we will provide training data of a number and its square root. Using neuralnet
we will generate the square root of any number. Perform the following steps in R:
> install.packages('neuralnet') > library("neuralnet")
Once the package is installed and loaded, we will create sample data of 50
numbers and their square roots in input and output. We combine both...