Integrating other techniques into your projects using Less
As well as prebuilt mixins, there are some other techniques that can be easily integrated in to your projects using Less.
Using iconic fonts
As the name suggests, iconic fonts are sets of icons defined as a font. Iconic fonts can replace image icons in your projects. The main reason for using iconic fonts instead of images and the reason they are discussed here is that iconic fonts, just like any normal font, can be fully manipulated with CSS. In your project, you can set the size, color, and shadows of the used iconic fonts with Less. The primary reason for using iconic fonts is to benefit the load time of your website; only one HTTP request is needed to load them all. Iconic fonts will look good on different resolutions and displays too.
In this book, iconic fonts were already used in Chapter 3, Nested Rules, Operations, and Built-in Functions. Font Awesome was loaded from CDN in these examples. Font Awesome also provides a bundle...