Installing SonarQube to check code quality
Apart from integrating code in a continuous way, CI pipelines also include tasks that perform Continuous Inspection—inspecting code for its quality in a continuous approach.
Continuous Inspection deals with inspecting and avoiding code that is of poor quality. Tools such as SonarQube help us to achieve this. Every time a code gets checked in (committed), it is analyzed. This analysis is based on some rules defined by the code analysis tool. If the code passes the error threshold, it's allowed to move to the next step in its life cycle. If it crosses the error threshold, it's dropped.
Some organizations prefer checking the code for its quality right when the developer tries to check in the code. If the analysis is good, the code is allowed to be checked in, or else the check in is canceled and the developer needs to work on the code again.
SonarQube is a code quality management tool that allows teams to manage, track, and improve...