Modifying charts
We use charts to make information more appealing, as well as clearer and easier to read. As you might have gathered, a chart is a graphical representation of worksheet information. Within Office 2021, the interface is so much clearer and more defined, and elements that you normally would apply to charts manually are included on the ribbon. So, everything is at your fingertips.
Getting used to chart terminology is ever so easy; you simply click on elements to amend them, and the element is highlighted on the chart. Chart terminologies were addressed in our previous book, Learn Microsoft Office 2019, along with chart creation and working with tables, so we will not address them here.
As tab names are a little different in 2021, let's run through how to add Data labels as an example. The process to modify charts is the same for most elements you add in the new version of Office.
Data labels
To make a chart more understandable and easier to read for...