Exploiting vulnerable services (Unix)
In this recipe, we will the vulnerabilities at the network level. These vulnerabilities are software-level vulnerabilities. When we talk about software, we are explicitly speaking about software/packages that make use of networks/ports to function. For example, FTP server, SSH server, HTTP, and so on. This recipe will cover a few vulnerabilities of two flavors, Unix and Windows. Let's start with UNIX exploitation.
Getting ready
We will make use of Metasploit in this module; make sure you start PostgreSQL before initializing Metasploit. We will quickly recap the vulnerabilities we found in Metasploitable2 when we performed the vulnerability scan:
The IP is different as the author has changed the VLAN of the internal network.
The vulnerability scan output would look like this:
A prerequisite to this recipe is to know your IP address, since it will be used to set the Lhost in Metasploit. Let us take a few of the vulnerabilities from here to understand...