Arrays and their properties
Arrays are lists of values. These values can be of all data types and one array can even contain different data types. It is often very useful to store multiple values inside one variable; for example, a list of students, groceries, or test scores. Once you start writing scripts, you'll find yourself needing to write arrays very often; for example, when you want to keep track of all the user input, or when you want to have a list of options to present to the user.
Creating arrays
You might be convinced by now that arrays are great, so let's see how we can make them. There is actually a right way and a wrong way to do it. Here are both. Which one do you think is the right one?
arr1 = new Array("purple", "green", "yellow");
arr2 = ["black", "orange", "pink"];
If you guessed the second option, using square brackets, you are right. This is the best and most readable way to...