In this chapter, we discussed the role of the digital worker, that is, you, the engineer and how you fit into the new marketing role as a creative person. We looked at the skills and the tool chain set that is certainly expected in the years 2015 and 2016. We covered how the Java platform and JVM fit into this picture.
Being a Digital Java EE 7 worker is more than just developing the server-side Java code; you are expected to understand JavaScript programming at an elementary level. Some of you may already have basic JavaScript knowledge and some others will understand a lot more about programming in the client space. JavaScript, for all its warts and mishaps, is a professional language that deserves respect, and we covered some of the frameworks that you are expected to know. Whilst this book does not teach you JavaScript and is aimed at Java EE development, I recommend that you brush up on your skills apropos module patterns and applying advanced libraries.
In this chapter, we looked at the Java EE 7 architecture and the specifications that are part of the platform. Finally, we pored over the code of a simple JavaServer Faces example. In particular, we inspected a Facelet view code. We noticed that much of the view resembles standard HTML.
In the upcoming chapters, we will delve deeply into the JSF and build a simple Create Retrieve Update Delete (CRUD) example. We will be generating the example in a couple of different ways. As the saying goes, we have to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run. Our crawling is over, now let's starting walking.