The Arduino IDE
The code you write is named sketch
. With the Arduino IDE, you'll be able to compile your sketches and upload them to your Galileo. Open your Arduino IDE, and you'll find the following environment:

Galileo Arduino IDE
Identifying the IDE components, you can find:
- Verify: This button will be your best friend. It will help you compiling your sketch and troubleshooting any issues or syntax errors.
- Upload: It will verify your code and, if it has no errors, it will upload your program to the board.
- New: It creates a new sketch.
- Open: This opens an existing sketch.
- Save: It saves your sketch. The saved sketches have the file extension
. - Serial monitor: This opens the serial monitor window, which displays serial data from Galileo. This monitor window also allows you to send messages to your board.
- Your sketch: This is where you will write your code.
- Console: It gives feedback about the operations you are doing. If errors are found when you verify your sketch, they will also...