SEO for WordPress sites
Recall from Chapter 2 that content should be relevant, simple, clear, and concise. I am going to also add "fresh" to this list. It is not sufficient to write one article and hope that Google will place your blog at the top of the SERPs. Content must be fresh. In other words, it has to be added and updated regularly. If it is, Google recognizes your blog as a dynamic and active source of content, and will continually update its index with material from your blog. If not, your blog will slide into obscurity.
These five attributes are ones that search engines want to encourage, as content having these attributes is ultimately the easiest for users to understand and derive value from. The guidelines that are supplied by Google are ultimately informed by these principles and designed to encourage (if not enforce) their application.
I recommend, in addition to the guidelines mentioned earlier, you also browse the Google Webmaster guidelines page found at