In this chapter, we started by reviewing the different concepts and related applications of XR, including VR and AR, and what particularities they have in terms of ensuring quality. Then, we navigated through the testing pyramid for XR applications and found common points with normal applications, as well as differences and unique aspects with XR ones. One particularity of these applications is the issue of gimbal lock and the use of quaternions to best avoid it.
We continued the chapter by going over some tools for XR development and testing in XR. These tools are not the only ones available, but we consider them as a good starting point for those who want to start with XR or those who want to understand the concept of testing with XR.
Then, we briefly went over the concept of the metaverse and how to apply everything learned in this chapter to it.
After reading this chapter, you should be able to grasp the XR concepts needed to create and test your own XR tools and...