In this chapter, we are going to learn about SQLite3. SQLite3 is a file format for storing data in the same mindset of a relational database such as Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, and Postgres. Well, I suppose that you could use SQLite3 as a traditional database engine, but it's really not made for that. SQLite3 allows us to open up a file, work with the data in that file using SQL statements, and then close that file. One file can contain one database, and a database can store multiple tables of information. Contrast this with the CSV file format that we used in the last chapter which, at best, stores a single table of information. The advantages of SQLite3 are that it doesn't require any server-side programs running in the background, there are no configurations to discuss, and the executable for working with SQLite3 is a single file. So, in my opinion, working with...