To summarize, in this chapter, we learned about the Selections and Transform tools. Both of these are essential in terms of demarcating a specific work area (using Selections) and manipulating its size, shape, and position (using Transform).
By now, you should be familiar with how to choose the correct selection mode to suit your needs: Automatic for large chunks, Freehand for complex shapes, and Rectangle or Ellipse for specific shapes. You will also be familiar with all the other functions you can do while selecting, including adding, removing, inverting, and color-filling selections, among others.
Under Transform, we covered the four methods of transformation: Freeform for stretching and squashing along the two axes, Uniform for scaling up and down uniformly, Distort for applying perspective-like effects, and Warp for complex deformations. In this tool’s other functions, we learned about its interface, and how to flip, rotate, align, and much more.
In the...