Deciding on looping or not
A loop, in literal terms, is a continuous motion or structure in which if you pick a random spot, you could come back to it by traveling all the way through. In aural terms, this is similar, but we don’t start anywhere; we usually start playing a sound file, but the player restarts the track once it reaches the end.
This definition is classic, and not that insightful, so let’s do a better job by discussing it in various contexts inside Godot or any game projects. So, you can make informed decisions in your projects since it’s situation-specific. We’ll do this by presenting different use cases:
- Background music: This is the most typical case where a music piece plays in the background while the game is running. The composer creates this kind of piece with the intention that once played back to back, there will be no abrupt end. The sound at the end of the file will seamlessly match the beginning. Sure, if you pay attention...