Further reading
As promised, we want to share with you a few words on the artistic aspects of sound management. Sometimes, a piece of music will have a high tempo. It means it’ll have a higher value of beats per minute (BPM). Depending on the game or the level you are building, you might want to select or create your music with the most appropriate BPM value to convey the best emotions.
There are also situations where gameplay will ask for a mix between a higher and lower tempo. This is common in role-playing or action games where players would like to feel they are under tension when they get involved in a sticky situation. For example, it would absolutely break the immersion if your burly, gun-toting player character is hiding behind a cover under heavy enemy fire when classic or chillout music is playing in the background. Likewise, when all is supposed to look calm between two action zones, if the game is playing a piece of high-tempo music, you will needlessly stress...