The plug-in folders
Plug-ins are purchased titles and effects that you will almost certainly be tempted to add to Final Cut Pro. After plug-ins are purchased and downloaded, most of them are supplied with a type of automated installer, but not all. You don’t want to be in a situation where a client has specified a particular effect that you can’t find out how to add to Final Cut Pro. At times, you may also find yourself in the following situations:
- What will you do when you upgrade macOS and find that an important title used right throughout your project isn’t working with the upgrade?
- Where would you look to find a title on the computer’s system?
- You may find yourself in a situation where there are some hiccups with Final Cut Pro and you need to access the internal workings on a Saturday night when all your support people are out partying
Don’t be stressed about this, as I am exaggerating a little to make a point. This is not...