Patterns and anti-patterns
This section will review recommended architectural patterns you should try to follow. It also touches on anti-patterns to outline some key pitfalls to avoid when architecting a distributed edge application on AWS.
Leveraging cloud-native services
It would certainly be possible to develop a globally distributed Industry 4.0 application without using any cloud-native services. Some customers are inclined to do this because they wish to reserve the option of moving their application to another cloud service provider or to an on-premise data center. The trouble with this approach is that you are forced to use only least-common-denominator features that are common across all CSPs or private clouds. In the context of AWS, this means you can only use standard S3 buckets, a limited set of EC2 instance types, and only the most basic features of supporting functions such as VPC. This has the effect of making your task of application design far more complex.